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Schools win prizes for festive trees

The Purvis Primary school Christmas tree(Photograph by Jonathan Bell)

The winners have been announced for this year’s XL Catlin charity Christmas trees promotion.

The community initiative, now in its fourth year, is hosted in the Washington Mall. This year schools were selected to take part.

First place and a $2,500 prize went to Purvis Primary School, inspired by the Dr Seuss story How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

West End Primary School took second place with decorations depicting the 12 days of Christmas, Somerset-style. The school received a $1,000 donation.

West Pembroke Primary School came third with its “Bermudaful” display, receiving a $750 donation.

Gilbert Institute won the people’s choice award, which at 2,250 ballots got 850 more than last year. The school received a donation of $1,500.

Each participating tree attracted a donation of $500.