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Private standards

alarm over Government meddling in the private school sector. Mr. Jack Wright warns that Government is telling the private schools who will teach there and that is "the death knell of a good school''.

Mr. Wright is quoted as saying that it is up to the private schools and not Government to say what the standards are for teaching in their schools. He is, of course, totally correct. There are major differences in the private schools ranging from their concepts of discipline to Mount Saint Agnes teaching according to the North American system. These differences provide variety and choice. BHS is an alternative as an all girls school and seems set to remain that way. There are parents and educators who believe that girls learn best in all-girl schools without the distractions created by "boys''. There are many surveys which indicate the truth of that belief. They cannot and should not be forced into a Government pattern.

Mr. Wright is quoted as saying that Bermuda High School has been fighting Government on its work permit policies and that the fight will continue.

We think it should because Government must not be allowed to make the mess of private education that it has made of its own schools. Private education is a choice, good or bad, which thrives because the public sees it as preferable to Government education and worth the high price parents pay. In fact, parents are willing to pay twice for private education, first with the taxes which support education and then they pay the private school fees. They do this while Government squanders millions and millions of dollars on a mega school just about no-one wants.

We cannot understand why there is not wide public demand for a rebate on taxes to those people paying private school fees in Bermuda. Many people feel that poor Government standards force them into private education in order to do well by their children, yet they are financially punished for doing so.

It may be that someone in Government wants to tamper with private education in order to lower its standards and thus make "free'' Government education more attractive to parents. If that is so, it is cynical. It is also possible that Government is jealous of the private system and somewhat piqued by the flight to the private system by parents trying to avoid the mega school no matter what the costs.

It may be that Government wants to be sure that Bermudian teachers are employed and that is correct -- as far as it goes. But it may well be a question of whether or not they are qualified to be employed at BHS. Mr.

Wright has said that specialists in a school using the British taching system have to possess certain credentials. He feels it is up to the private schools and not Government to specify what those credentials should be.

After all, any employer has certain qualifications considered necessary to do the job properly...or the standards drop.