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What they said in 2003

Days before the last election, former Premier Dame Jennifer Smith produced the PLP's manifesto which promised to continue or complete projects that were ongoing at the end of the first term.

The PLP pledged to introduce shared-ride taxi fares from the Airport and increase the dimension of taxis from 180 inches long by 71 inches wide to 210 inches long by 77 inches wide applying to taxis whether or not they are wheelchair accessible.

A ferry modernisation programme to significantly enhance the reliability, comfort and convenience of the water transport service was announced as well as bringing a limousine service to the Island. Making provisions for loaner vehicles to relieve clients of car dealers and licensed garages and introducing emissions standards requiring annual inspections and spot checks on vehicles appearing to pollute the environment were also on the to-do list.

The final item for transport was to introduce additional crash helmet standards and require any new helmet being offered for sale be submitted to TCD for certification.

In 2003, the UBP claimed millions of dollars were spent on the new ferry system but not much else was accomplished. It also said the Transportation ministry "alienated" the taxi industry with the GPS system and that alternatively, improving the relationship between the Government and taxi industry was their highest priority.

UBP pledged to establish a taxi commission to increase consultation among Government representatives, taxi owners and drivers, representatives from the hospitality industry and the broader community. The party said it would monitor dispatching and make recommendations on fare structure and surcharge.

The final items on the list were to work with the taxi commission to introduce the shared ride concept, improve customer service, review the role of minibuses, make GPS optional and reduce payroll tax on the taxi industry.