Ride on a trail bike ends up in court
Pembroke youth.
Damon R. Burgess admitted driving an unlicensed bike while under age and without insurance, not wearing a helmet, carrying a passenger who was not wearing a helmet and giving false information to Police.
Prosecuting Sgt. Rex Osborne said Burgess committed the offences on July 8.
Duty counsel Mr. Archie Warner explained the 17-year-old student and his passenger were pushing the bike to go scrambling.
They reached a hill and decided to ride the bike because they were tired. Mr.
Warner asked Acting Senior Magistrate the Wor. John Judge to be lenient in his fine as Burgess was unemployed and needed all his money to return to school.
Mr. Judge fined him a total of $200 and disqualified him from driving for six months.
He gave him a conditional discharge for 12 months for not wearing a helmet, carrying a passenger without a helmet, and giving false information to the Police.
GET A VALID DRIVER'S LICENCE, MAN TOLD CTS A 23-year-old Warwick man with a series of unpaid fines totalling $430 was given until August 13 to pay them because he just started a new job.
Jamal Malcolm Bean was advised by Acting Senior Magistrate the Wor. John Judge to pay $100 per week so that he would not be tempted to spend it.
But he was chastised for operating a motorcycle without the proper licence -- an offence for which he has several previous convictions.
"I just don't understand you,'' said Mr. Judge. "You have had umpteen convictions for riding without a valid driver's licence. For goodness sake go down to the TCD and pay $35 and get a proper licence. It hurts me to see you waste your money. It pays my salary but that is no comfort to you. I don't want to see you back before this court. If fines don't work maybe a free holiday down the West End may be in order.'' He fined Bean $150 for the offence.
LAWYER'S CASE ADJOURNED UNTIL AUGUST CTS A Pembroke lawyer whose case was due for judgement this week in Magistrates' Court had it adjourned until August 18. Philip Perinchief was charged with speeding at 62 kph.
CONDITIONAL DISCHARGE FOR FILM THEFT CTS Stealing films and attempting to get a refund for not using them led to the conditional discharge of a Pembroke woman in Magistrates' Court this week.
Selina N. Gardiner, 23, of Government Gate pleaded guilty to stealing Kodak film from the Phoenix Centre on Reid Street and attempting to receive a refund.
Prosecuting Sgt. Kenrick James told the court that on June 26 Gardiner pretended to return film valued at $31.80.
"She was told that she could not get a refund on the film,'' Sgt. James said.
"Gardiner then went to a display shelf where she picked up two other boxes of film. She then went to another cashier whom she convinced to give her a refund of $31.80.'' Sgt. James added that after receiving the refund a security officer stopped her.
Gardiner was detained and the money was recovered. When asked why she did it, she said she needed the money to pay a debt.
Acting Senior Magistrate the Wor. John Judge gave Gardiner a conditional discharge for 12 months.
DRUG OFFENDER GIVEN PRISON WARNING CTS A magistrate told a drug offender to kick the habit himself "or I'll send you to a place where you'll kick it cold turkey''.
Yusuf Bremar, 22, pleaded guilty this week to three charges of drug possession and one of possessing drug equipment.
Police Sgt. Peter Giles, prosecuting, said narcotics officers spotted the Devonshire man at 11:30 a.m. on October 25 last year sitting in a taxi on Elliott Street. Bremar saw the Police and fled, dropping a paper envelope, paper twists, and foil twists.
At Hamilton Police Station, Bremar said that he had been carrying heroin, cocaine and cannabis.
Police examination proved the contents of the containers to be 2.39 grams of cocaine, 0.04 grams of heroin, and 1.89 grams of cannabis.
The second incident was on June 1 this year. Police saw Bremar at the corner of Court and Elliott Streets with a woman. A transaction was apparently in progress, said Sgt. Giles.
A Police search turned up a razor blade with traces of white powder on it, which Bremar claimed he found on the ground. On analysis, the powder was found to be cocaine.
Sgt. Giles said Bremar had a record of four previous drug convictions.
Bremar said: "I'm sorry for wasting the court's time. I'd like to seek help for my drug problem.'' He said he has a $400-a-day heroin problem.
Acting Magistrate the Wor. Kim White set bail of $500 with one surety and a condition of bail to attend Addiction Services.
"I am giving serious consideration to a custodial sentence,'' Mr. White said.
"You can either kick your habit through self-help, or I will impose help.'' THIEF GAVE POLICE THE SLIP TWICE CTS Elusive John E. Thompson gave Police the slip twice after he was arrested for stealing $370 from a restaurant in St. George's.
Thompson, 38, firstly escaped by unlocking a Police car door and after being recaptured he again fled while pretending to use the bathroom in St. George's Police Station.
The defendant of Wellington Slip Road, pleaded guilty in Magistrates' Court to theft and escaping lawful custody.
Prosecuting Sgt. Kenrick James told the court that on July 15 between 12.30 p.m. and 1 p.m. Thompson went in to B&S restaurant on Mullet Bay Road in St.
"He asked if he could wash his hands. After being told he could do so he saw the restaurant's bank bag and stole $370.
"Later the restaurant manager realised the money was missing and contacted the St. George's Police Station.
Sgt James said that later when Thompson was arrested he was able to unlock the car door and escaped.
"Police chased and caught Thompson and took him to the station. He admitted stealing the money and told them he used it to buy cocaine.'' Thompson later asked to use the bathroom and was able to slip out the door.
"He called 20 minutes later from his parents home and told Police that they could pick him up.'' Sgt. James added that Thompson was presently serving a two year probation for previous convictions.
Acting Senior Magistrate the Wor. John Judge bailed Thompson in the sum of $500 with one like surety until the reading of a social inquiry report on August 2.