Wonderful ambassador for Bermuda
Dear Sir,
I am an American cruiser who was visiting your beautiful Island, arriving on October 26 aboard the Carnival Splendor. I visited, with my wife, several places, but the one I wish to address is an incident that occurred on South Road, by Lighthouse Road.
We had departed the bus, and planned on walking up the hill to Gibbs Hill Lighthouse. When my wife saw the steepness of the road, she demurred and stayed at the entranceway to the Princess resort. I proceeded to walk up the hill, with my cane. About halfway, a car stopped and asked if they could assist me in taking me up to the lighthouse.
Since “no” was an answer not accepted, I enjoyed a short drive to the stairs leading to the lighthouse. Along the way, I had mentioned that my wife was waiting for me at the South Road intersection. The lady said her goodbyes, and I proceeded to the lighthouse. After going to the top, viewing the amazing scenery, I walked back down, and my wife was there, waiting at the intersection. Her story was even more amazing.
The woman had returned to see if she was OK, then proceeded to have her get in the car, and she drove her up to the lighthouse, describing the sights along the way, and gave her a tour of the surrounding area, viewing the beautiful homes and sights. She then proceeded to return my wife to her original spot. When my wife tried to give her something for the wonderful trip, the woman refused and left.
Neither of us got her name. I wish to let you know that these acts of kindness are very rare in other parts of the world. I wish there was some way to let the citizens of Bermuda know that this simple act of kindness has left us with an even more favourable view of your Island. All we know is she was an elderly, black woman, driving a small, dark blue car.
She was (and is) a wonderful ambassador for Bermuda, and we felt it was important to let someone know of her kindness. Thank you for letting me use this forum.