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Your chance to buy into East End Village scheme

PERSONS interested in buying into the Harbourside Village scheme in St. David's, have one last chance to attend an information session on the applications process.

The last of three one-on-one sessions, it will be held at Clearwater Middle School this weekend and is particularly aimed at helping prospective home owners meet the submission deadline and qualify for inclusion in the lottery for affordable units.

"Going over your application with one of our staff will ensure that any problems are addressed well in advance of the March 1 deadline," said Vance Campbell, general manager of the Bermuda Housing Corporation.

Applications will not be given out at the information sessions. Interested persons are advised to collect them in advance, from the Bermuda Housing Corporation office in the Russell Eve Building on Church Street.

The result of a unique partnership between Government and the private sector, the Harbourside Village is to sit on 16.6 acres and will boast 198 two-, three- and four-bedroom townhouses and duplexes.

Ninety-nine of the homes will be sold to qualified buyers for $199,000, the remainder will be sold at market price. Also in the plans are a playground, a village square with shops, childcare facilities, and access to a dock and marina.

The information sessions will be held this Saturday and Sunday at Clearwater Middle School between 10.30 a.m. and 2.30 p.m.

Anyone unable to attend the one-on-one sessions is encouraged to make an appointment with the Bermuda Housing Corporation staff, on 295-8623.

Information sessions for the market price units are held on Thursdays, through the end of the month, between noon and 2 p.m. on the veranda of the Adult Library on Queen Street.