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Photo by Chris BurvilleIntrepid moments: Rocks and reflctions are two of the subjects in Frank Dublin's new show which opens at the Masterworks Gallery on Friday evening.

rank Dublin is the latest artist in the Masterworks Artists in the Garden series. Mr. Dublin a well known painter has taken his talents to new heights with works dealing with rock, tides and pond reflections.

The artist, who is having his third solo exhibition at the Masterworks Foundation, also had a painting selected for The Barcardi Limited Biennial 2006 Exhibition of Contemporary Art, which opens on Thursday evening at the Bermuda National Gallery and is open to the public on Friday.

When asked what led him to his change of subject, Mr. Dublin said: ?Well, I use Spittal Pond regularly to go on my walk or run or whatever it is and I have always been interested and mystified by the reflection of the pond, and the flora and fauna.

?The subject are of a lot of rocks, as I have been studying the coastline, and tide studies, and reflections of Spittal Pond. There are other varieties, but this is the main area.

?The reflections and the individual studies of tides is new for me, although I have been working on it for a while.?

He began painting this series about six months ago and the works are in a variety of mediums, but are mostly in oils and pastels.

?The paintings were created both on location and off location,? said the artist.

?I done a couple of plein air and the others in the studio and classes that I have done. It all depended when the weather was fine. ?Occasionally I take photographs, but it depends the subject, it depends on the location, and how often I have to go back to the scene to have it completed.?

The show will also encompass styles of his earlier works, but not much still life.

?But the others are scenery, people and process doing various things,? he said.

Mr. Dublin also has one painting in The Bacardi Limited Biennial 2006 Exhibition of Contemporary Art.

?My offering for the Biennial is a little different to the previously discussed works,? he said.

?I used a combination of abstract and realism and I had one piece in.

?It was radically different to the others that I had entered and it is called ?Fishy Story?. It is a combination of exotic fish and it gives the fish geometric shape and form. So you have realism on one side and on the other you have abstract so you have a combination of realism and abstract work.?

The Barcardi Limited Biennial 2006 Exhibition of Contemporary Art

opens on April 20 at 6 p.m. to members and 5 p.m. for the Directors Circle.

Masterworks Artists in the Garden exhibition opens at 5.30 p.m. to 7 p.m. on April 21 and is up until May 4.