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Season of goodwill ends in violence

A weekend of violence sent two people to hospital including a 16-year-old girl who was stabbed in the early hours of yesterday morning during a fight with two other young girls on Front Street.

A second fight was reported to have occurred outside Captain's Lounge early on Saturday morning between two groups of men which led to one man being slashed across the face.

And a 63-year-old man is in intensive care following a beating at the hands of two men who broke into his Sandys home early on Saturday morning.

The young girl who was stabbed was reported to be in stable condition last night at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital.

The Royal Gazette understands the girl was stabbed in the left abdomen when two girls - believed to be in the same age group - assaulted her.

Witnesses told The Royal Gazette the victim was "jumped" by a number of girls near the corner of Front Street and Court Street at shortly after 2 a.m. yesterday.

As she staggered away from her attackers, some other girls - who may have been her friends - tried to help her as she turned and continued east on Reid Street.

The teen then collapsed in front of Champion's Night Club and a taxi driver, the girls and some passers-by attended to her until Police and an ambulance arrived at the scene.

Champions' bartender Judy Outerbridge said she was upstairs in the club - which had not yet opened - when the cashier came in and told her what had happened.

The girl was reportedly talking on her cell phone as she crossed Reid Street towards the club.

Ms Outerbridge said when she went outside the girl was lying, bleeding in the street.

"She was bleeding from the side," said Ms Outerbridge. "The Police were there and a taxi driver was holding her head."

Ms Outerbridge said the girl was conscious and asking to be taken to hospital.

"She said 'They all hit me. Get me to the hospital because I can't breathe'," Ms Outerbridge said.

The teen - reportedly, a CedarBridge Academy student - was taken to King Edward VII Memorial Hospital. What prompted the knife attack against the girl is unknown.

The owner of Champion's club, Delvin Bean, said he was still working security at Docksiders pub when he heard that Police were in front of his club.

"I thought, no, not again," said Mr. Bean. "I don't need this."

In February, 2000, 27-year-old Jermaine Pitcher was stabbed to death outside the club during a brawl.

Mr. Bean said he was told the girl was "in bad shape" when the ambulance attended the scene and he wondered why she did not try and walk towards Hamilton Police Station - one block away in the other direction.

"That's the mentality of these young people. They all think they can handle it themselves," said Mr. Bean.

"It's you get me, I'll get you later. It's pathetic.

"And what was she doing - at that age - on Front Street at 2.30 in the morning?"

Police have launched a full investigation and are appealing for witnesses who were in the area at the time of the attack.

A Sandys Parish senior remained in intensive care yesterday after he was victimised in his own home. According to Police, two unknown men broke into the man's home on Cambridge Road and demanded money in the early hours of Saturday.

Although the 63-year-old victim handed over money, the men began brutally beating him in the face.

The victim was hospitalised as a result of the assault. The Royal Gazette was told he sustained serious injuries including a broken jaw.

Last night, the victim remained in ICU but was in "comfortable" condition.

Police are asking anyone who might have information in this case to contact Chief Inspector Kirby at 295-0011.

Also on Saturday, an argument outside Captain's Lounge on Reid Street in Hamilton turned bloody when one man was slashed across the face.

The Royal Gazette was told that two groups of men began scuffling as the club was closing down for the evening.

In the scuffle one man's face was slashed - possibly by a pendant or piece of jewellery one of his attackers had been wearing.

A knife-brandishing intruder slashed a man in his Smith's Parish home on Friday morning.

The victim told Police that at about 1 a.m., he and a lady companion heard a noise outside his bedroom door and when he opened it he saw a man he knew with a knife.

A Police spokesman said: "The intruder swung the knife at the man's face, causing a deep wound to the side and then the two became involved in a struggle."

The assailant fled the home and the victim drove himself to King Edward VII Memorial Hospital for treatment.

Police, acting on information from the victim, arrested a suspect within five hours.