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Overgrown roadsides to be tackled

Neglected and overgrown: the Bermuda Railway Trail in Khyber Pass, Warwick, needs some TLC (File photograph by Blaire Simmons)

The Ministry of Public Works is working to address complaints about overgrown roadsides.

While the ministry has come under fire in recent months over overgrown grass and trees on the Island’s roadsides, a spokeswoman said efforts were being made to improve conditions.

“We are continually looking at how to be more efficient and cover more ground,” the spokeswoman said. “More should and will be done in this regard.

“Unseasonable periods of rain over the past few months have meant that crews have had to operate somewhat differently to normal. Health and safety is always a priority.”

Asked about rumours that there have been changes within the office, she acknowledged that there had been “some reassignments” recently, adding: “Change is a part of any organisation which is trying to enhance its operations.”

Several members of the public have written complaints to The Royal Gazette about the condition of the Island’s roadsides, with former MP Quinton Edness stating that the Island was beginning to look like a third-world country.