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Bridge Club results

Recent results from the Bermuda Bridge Club:

Monday, September 28


1 Gill Gray and Pat Siddle

2 Russ and Dee Craft

3 Pat and Barb Cerra


1 John Hoskins and Lyn O’Neill

2 Nikki Boyce and Ali Everard

3 Janice Trott and Lorna Anderson


1 Russ and Dee Craft

2 Gertie Barker and Jane Smith

3 Mischa Novakovic and Marg Way

Tuesday, September 29

1 Willi Christensen and Mary Leigh Burnett

2 Linda Abend and Noula Contibas

3 Louise Payne and Marion Ezedinma

Wednesday, September 30


1 Glen and Keith Lloyd

2 Dee Craft and Michael Antar

3 Greta Marshall and Eileen Sharpe


1 Marilynn Simmons and Katrina Van Pelt

2 Stephanie Kyme and Elizabeth McKee

3 Judy King and Aida Bostelmann

Thursday, October 1



1 Lyn O’Neill and Diana Diel

2 Richard and Wendy Gray

3 Martha Ferguson and Noula Contibas


1 John Glynn and Elizabeth McKee

2 Simon Giffen and Rachael Gosling

3 Tracy and Des Nash

Friday, October 2


1 Louise Rodger and Pat Siddle

2 Julia Beach and Gill Gray

3 Marilynn Simmons and Gertie Barker


1 Michael Bickley and Harry Kast

2 Jean Johnson and Marg Way

3 Nea Willits and Heather Woolf

Granaway Bridge Club


1 Richard and Wendy Gray

2 Trish Colmet and Pat Hayward


1 Annabelle Mann and Willi Chistensen

2 David Cordon and Julia Lunn

— Compiled by Julia Lunn