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Bridging the digital divide

Web wizards will now find it easier to get on-line ? thanks to a new community project.A mini network of public Webpoint kiosks was officially unveiled on Wednesday at Mangrove Bay and Warwick post offices, and at Hamilton?s adult library.Telecommunications and E-Commerce Minister, Michael Scott, said the aim of the terminals was to provide Internet access for everybody on the Island who wanted to surf the web.

Web wizards will now find it easier to get on-line ? thanks to a new community project.

A mini network of public Webpoint kiosks was officially unveiled on Wednesday at Mangrove Bay and Warwick post offices, and at Hamilton?s adult library.

Telecommunications and E-Commerce Minister, Michael Scott, said the aim of the terminals was to provide Internet access for everybody on the Island who wanted to surf the web.

He hoped the move would help bridge the ?digital divide? between people with hi-tech access, and those left in the dark.

He added: ?As part of the Government?s Social Agenda we made a commitment to increasing public access to technology.

?As we grow in the information age, tools such as personal computers and the Internet are increasingly critical to economic success and personal advancement. It is in everyone?s interest to ensure that no Bermudian is left behind.?

The Minister, who said Government?s aim was to promote ?digital equity?, added: ?All people should have access to the opportunities technology provides as a means to learn, work and thrive.

?We know Webpoint will be an indispensable tool for many members of our society, who for a variety of reasons, have not had this opportunity in the past.?

Parents, meanwhile, have been assured that strict controls are in place to restrict child access to sites containing pornography and explicit material.

The Government said the new terminals would offer high-speed, reliable and free internet access to residents.

And the programme is due to be extended to other community centres around the Island. The service was introduced in partnership with BTC, Cable and Wireless, Certified Systems, Gateway Systems and Logic Communications.

The Information Technology Office of the Government, which led the project, will be regularly servicing the terminals.