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Congratulations and condolences

condolences to the family of the late Mrs. Eileen M. Outerbridge of Smith's Parish. Mrs. Outerbridge was heavily involved in community projects, he said, and a driving force behind Warwick Academy. She was the wife of well-known realtor Mr. Jack Outerbridge.

Mr. Gibbons, the Minister of Community Affairs, also congratulated the organisers and participants in a number of Heritage Month functions over the week.

These included the Gilbert & Sullivan Society's concert at St. John's Church on Friday, the Professional Women's Association of Bermuda annual heritage month concert, and a joint performance by the Wesley Methodist Orchestra and the Bermuda Regiment Band.

Tourism Minister the Hon. C.V. (Jim) Woolridge extended condolences to the families of the late Mrs. Juliet McGowan of Smith's Parish, and the late Mrs.

Carol Tucker, wife of the late Mr. Reggie Tucker.

He congratulated the Centre on Tourism & Research for hosting the recent conference on island tourism. And he praised the Elbow Beach Hotel for "a fine job in restoring the Elbow Beach to its former pre-eminence.'' Mr. Nelson Bascome (PLP) asked that condolences be sent to the family of Mr.

Wendell Hubert (Papa) Lake, who was an important figure in the Parson's Road and Friswell's Hill area.

He asked the House to take note of Devonshire Recreation Club's victory in the Camel Cup competition, but said the House had already had cause to send so many congratulations to the club for so many achievements that another round of written congratulations was probably not in order.

Premier the Hon. Sir John Swan asked that condolences be sent to the family of Mrs. Gladys Marguerite Bailey-Edwards, a well-known but quiet Somerset lady and the mother of former MP Mr. Ed Bailey. Sandys MPs joined in sending their condolences.

Opposition Leader Mr. Frederick Wade asked that condolences be sent to the children of the late Mr. William (Gunboat) Smith and his wife Mrs. Pearl Smith, who died within a few days of each other. Mr. Smith was an "ambassador'' for Bermuda as doorman at the Elbow Beach Hotel for many years, Mr. Wade said.

Education Minister the Hon. Gerald Simons asked that congratulations be sent to Miss Emma Robinson, who qualified on Thursday as a medical doctor at John Hopkins University in Baltimore. Miss Robinson was Bermuda's first female Rhodes Scholar, Mr. Simons noted.

Mr. Walter Roberts (PLP) expressed sorrow at the death of Sandys resident Mr.

Vernon Johnson, a well-respected employee at the MarketPlace in Somerset, who died of injuries he received in a traffic accident.

Mr. Anthony Correia (UBP) asked that condolences be sent to the family of his childhood friend Mr. Ross (Buck) Wilson, who was a bartender at the Spinning Wheel.

Mr. Harry Soares (UBP) asked that condolences be sent to the family of Mr.

Joao Cabral DeAmaral of Euclid Avenue. Mr. DeAmaral came to Bermuda from the Azores in 1960, Mr. Soares said, and worked for 22 years as groundsman at the National Stadium in Prospect.

Mr. Soares, a former Sports Minister, said it was a difficult job, especially when the field needed to be changed rapidly from a cricket pitch to a soccer field or a running track.

The St. George's North MPs, Mr. Phillip Smith (UPB) and Ms Jennifer Smith (PLP) congratulated the East End Primary School on its 70th year in existence under that name.

Mr. Eugene Blakeney (PLP) congratulated American Mr. Bill Pinkney, who arrived in Bermuda on Thursday at the end of a solo round-the-world sailing trip. Mr.

Pinkney is believed to be the first black solo navigator by way of Cape Horn and the Cape of Good Hope.