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America’s Cup plans ‘environmentally sound’

Bermuda America's Cup plans for the South Basin Marina

Environmental due diligence has and will continue to be done for the development of the South Basin, according to the Bermuda Government.

In a statement released last night the Government said that the accelerated programme to meet America’s Cup deadlines would result in an “environmentally sound development”.

The pledge came after the Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce (BEST) announced that it would be going to court to challenge the South Basin plans.

“The Ministry of Home Affairs was advised today that BEST has filed an Originating Motion in the Supreme Court in connection with the land reclamation, America’s Cup Event Village and Marine & Ports Facility and commercial marine activities in the South Basin of the Royal Naval Dockyard,” a Government spokesman said. “However, it is premature to respond to the details of the motion until such time as the Attorney-General has had an opportunity to review it.

“Notwithstanding, the ministry notes that, in its media release, BEST is of the view that additional environmental assessment is required for both the event village and the proposed end uses of a new Marine & Ports facility as well as other commercial marine activities.

“The Ministry certainly recognises and acknowledges that further studies and information must be supplied as additional applications are submitted for future phases of the development.”

BEST claims that environmental impact studies that have been conducted for the 11-acre landfill and development of the South Basin are inadequate and flawed.

However the Government spokesman said that it was anticipated that additional information will be required for the event village and the future Marine & Ports base.

“Given the very compressed timelines for realisation of the 35th America’s Cup, the Development Applications Board granted planning permission for the uses but with conditions attached relating to the further information requirements, including the operational details, of the event village and the other marine facilities and activities,” the spokesman said.

“This will include information on parking and traffic management, solid waste management, hazardous management, emergency and hurricane preparedness.

“For the landfill itself, the board has already required the submission of a Construction Environmental Management Plan that must contain details of a dust minimisation plan, construction waste management plan, oil and/or fuel spill management plan and a contamination management plan.”