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Government scholarships, awards go to 47

Bermuda Government scholarships and awards have gone out to 47 students.

The awards, given out earlier this month, include teacher training, mature student and further education awards as well as Bermuda Government scholarships.

Eight students received the Bermuda Government Scholars award valued at up to $35,000 for tuition and accommodation. This scholarship is tenable for up to four years.

Wayne Scott, the Minister of Education, told the audience at the presentation ceremony that nearly 230 applications had come in this year.

“There was a marked increase in applications this year, and the decisions for the Education Board’s scholarship committee were difficult,” Mr Scott said.

“We are pleased that the Ministry can provide you with financial support, to propel you even further, with your academic pursuits. I offer special congratulations to our eight new Bermuda Government Scholars who we recognise for their outstanding academic achievement.”

The Government Scholars are listed as: Amber Farrow, Kristina Grant, Nicholas Pell, Cara Philip, Brianna Siddle, Kathleen McBeath, Daniel Oatley and Alida Ratteray.

Special awards went to Tashel Bean, Mariangela Bucci, Tia Lori Smith and Rachael Waldron.

The Minister’s Merit Awards went to Lynique Castle, Keitha Jade Robinson and Tamae Clarke.