Politicians must put country before self
Dear Sir,
The ploy the PLP have deceitfully used, because their political cupboard is bare, has been to act out for attention, with disruptive behaviour and play-acting to get their own way.
Do they think the Bermudian people are stupid ?
Some PLP members have no interest in healing the tragic financial chaos they left behind.
The disgraceful raiding of the people’s purse, when they had the good fortune to inherit a balanced Budget ... “butter in the sun” was the mode of operation.
So now the OBA has to pull the Island back from the brink the best way they can, while having to deal with the ignorant, inept and tiresome spanner-throwers.
Some PLP members, disregarding any concept of a loyal Opposition, are bent on self-aggrandisement and the destruction of harmony like petulant children.
These tactics do not come from a politician who loves his country, they come from men serving themselves for exposure and self-interest.
Throw the transparent child and its followers out and replace them with dedicated people who love their Island. Yes, be loyal to your beliefs, but do not want the destruction of the Opposition, bringing the country into chaos. There will be no winners in that scenario.
Love your country before you love yourself.
Diana Williams