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Police appeal for driver's help

talking to a man near the scene of the assault to come forward.Last Thursday a woman was sexually assaulted in her Bostock Hill, Paget, home.

talking to a man near the scene of the assault to come forward.

Last Thursday a woman was sexually assaulted in her Bostock Hill, Paget, home.

Her husband was stabbed in the hand when he walked into the house to witness the attack.

Yesterday, Police spokesman Insp. Roseanda Jones said shortly after the attack a van driver turned into Dudley Hill Road, stopped his van and started talking to a man.

The attack happened at about 4.25 p.m. and the van driver was seen talking to the man at about 4.30 p.m. Dudley Hill Road is a short distance away from Bostock Hill.

"We would like the van driver, or anyone else with any information, to contact the Police,'' added Insp. Jones.

PACHECO CAN STAY A LITTLE LONGER IMM Pacheco can stay a little longer Mr. Manuel Pacheco, a long-time Portuguese resident who was threatened with deportation after he lost his job, has been granted a three-month extension to stay in Bermuda.

In a prepared statement, Labour and Home Affairs Minister the Hon. Quinton Edness said Mr. Pacheco had been granted the extension which is valid until January 6.

"He has already had a number of extensions to look for a job,'' Mr. Edness said "but we are granting him one more extension to give him time to try to find a job.

Mr. Pacheco's lawyer Mr. Trevor Moniz said:"I am very pleased to see that the Minister has seen fit to re-examine Mr. Pacheco's position and has granted him this extra opportunity. I think it is right and proper and I am glad to see that this has happened. I hope it bodes well for the future and people in similar situations.'' Earlier this month Mr. Edness confirmed that Mr. Pacheco had been asked to leave after he lost his job at Terra's Grocery when the Pembroke business was sold last year. He arrived in Bermuda from the Azores 25 years ago.

CHANCE TO RAISE MORE CHARITY CASH FNR Chance to raise more charity cash Thousands of dollars have been raised by a charity shop and more should roll in over the next few days.

Trustworthy, which raises money for the National Trust, set up shop in Gibbons Company on Church Street, on October 7, originally for a week.

But the store has given it an extension until Wednesday, boosting the $15,000 it has already raised.

Mrs. Carol Malley, a special events organiser with the Trust, said: "We are extremely grateful to everyone who has shopped at the store and we are extremely grateful to Gibbons Company for giving us the space.'' Meanwhile the National Trust is on the hunt for more volunteers to help sustain its work.

More volunteers are needed to man the office to help with mailings and the telephones, archeological research and work on Trust properties, nature reserves and islands.

In addition, the Trust is looking for people to help with historical work and also wants to find people with specialist skills such as photography, masonry, education to develop children's programmes and artists who can work on line drawings for Trust publications.

GOVT. TO BUY SOUTHAMPTON LAND GVT Govt. to buy Southampton land Government has issued a compulsory purchase order to buy a stretch of privately-owned land in Southampton Parish.

Works Minister the Hon. Leonard Gibbons said the department needed the piece of land on Plumber Lane in Southampton to continue road works in that area.

Mr. Gibbons said the department tried to be reasonable and only used the power when it ran into difficulties.

He added that the department had been negotiating with the land's owner Mr.

Vincent Douglas "for a number of years but was not getting anywhere''.

He said he hoped that Mr. Douglas would "come forward now and negotiate''.

Mr. Douglas was not available for comment.