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Staying in touch over the summer

MIXED touch rugby starts next week but cynics who dub it a summer social sport akin to beach volleyball will be surprised to learn it is drawing some of the island's finest players.

National team captain Derek Bobby Hurdle will be taking part as will national coach Pete Shillingford.

In fact the roll call of names heading down to Somersfield on Tuesday night reads like a who's who of Bermuda's recent rugby greats with former national captain Alvin Harvey, scrum half Tom Healy, fly half Chris Naylor all getting in on the action.

Jonathan Cassidy, fresh from success with the Irish Bermuda at the recent Rugby Sevens tournament, will be putting in an Irish side in the 12 team league.

However organiser Michael Montgomery, himself a former national player from the mid-1990s, says novices are welcome to get involved as there is plenty of space for players wanting to get hooked up with sides.

And there might even be time for new teams to join the league.

He said the big boys had plenty to gain from the scratch six-aside games other than the chance to keep fit over the summer break.

He said: "The men's ball handling skills improve. You have to put the ball where it should be."

There is more team work as there is little point running with the ball when six touches to the body, below the neck and above the knee, stops a player moving forward and he must roll it back to a teammate.

The different rules help players learn how to create space for each other.

A touch league ran a few years ago but has been relaunched on the back of the successful women's league which sprang up this year.

Each side must have at least two women on board and the rules make sure they do more than make up the numbers by award 2.5 points for every try they make while the men only get one point each.

"It makes it more interesting ? if you pass it to them they will get extra points," said Montgomery.

However there are no conversions ? only tries.

Montgomery said the venture was another logical extension of the rugby's desire to get as many people involved in the sport as possible ? similar to the way kids mini-rugby was taking off.

The sport is very popular in rugby playing nations such as New Zealand, Australia and South Africa and Montgomery hopes one day Bermuda will get involved in some of the international competitions.

Touch rugby starts Tuesday at Somersfield Academy in Middle Road, Devonshire at 6.20. If you are interested in playing email mmontgomeryamlp.bm