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Throne Speech outlines law and order initiatives

Governor Lord Waddington on Friday at the Opening of Parliament.The base lands provide an opportunity we will never see again. Providing they are responsibly managed, these properties will present Bermuda with the ability to diversify the economy,

Governor Lord Waddington on Friday at the Opening of Parliament.

The base lands provide an opportunity we will never see again. Providing they are responsibly managed, these properties will present Bermuda with the ability to diversify the economy, earn critically important foreign currency, create new jobs, new businesses and provide recreational space well into the next century.

The Directors of the new Bermuda Land Development Company have reviewed several comprehensive proposals for Morgan's Point, the former U.S. Naval Annex. One of these development plans will be selected on the basis of its overall quality and its ability to enhance our tourism product and create exciting career opportunities for Bermudians. Government will present this proposal to Parliament in this Session.

In the face of ever increasing international competition, Government will continue the process of restructuring the Island's tourism industry. The Visitor Industry Partnership has been launched and a tourism appreciation course is being incorporated in the new school curriculum as a separate discipline.

This year will see Government pursuing, in cooperation with the hotels, an exciting and meaningful initiative designed to improve the standards and levels of service that our discerning visitors require. Government will continue to act on the recommendations of the Commission on Competitiveness as efforts are made to improve Bermuda's tourism industry and work more closely with the private sector.

Government has undertaken an extensive review of its cruise ship policy, the results of which will be laid before Parliament. The objectives of the Department of Tourism are currently being reviewed as a new Strategic and Marketing Plan is developed to meet more effectively the challenges of the new millennium. For this restructuring to be successful and for the Bermuda product to be attractive to the increasingly sophisticated traveller, it will be essential for everyone in Bermuda to commit their individual and corporate resources. Only then will our economic future be guaranteed.

Sport and recreation are seen by Government as having an important role in healthy living and, managed correctly, they can do much to strengthen the family unit and to develop constructive social behaviour. In the area of organised sport, Government will increase its work as a catalyst and facilitator for national sports bodies to develop drug-free sports policies.

During this Session, detailed plans will be presented for the third phase of the National Sports Centre. These plans will include a multi-purpose gymnasium, a 50 metre swimming pool, changing rooms and other community areas.

The second phase, which includes playing fields to the north for such activities as cricket, soccer and jogging, are currently being constructed.

The Ministry of Youth Development, Sport and Recreation has assumed management for a number of public recreation areas on the former base lands and it is anticipated that design plans to improve these properties will lead to increased public usage.

Having opened a successful community centre at the East End of the Island, Government will seek to provide a similar facility at the West End.

Government will continue to improve its Parks system, making these lands more attractive to residents and visitors alike and enhancing their recreational value. Plans outlining the next stage in the development of the new park at the Pembroke basin will be tabled.

In the coming Session, new development applications rules will be brought to Parliament to make the planning process and the Building Code more user-friendly. Changes will also be made to the objections procedures and to the proceedings of the Development Applications Board to improve efficiency and, at the same time, to ensure that Bermuda's architectural heritage is preserved and its fragile environment protected while allowing for sustainable development.

Government will continue with current proposals to introduce competition in the provision of public telecommunications services to ensure that Bermuda is well positioned as we enter the 21st Century. International business as well as local users will demand nothing but the best of services at competitive rates.

International business continues to grow steadily and has developed into one of the most important sectors of our economy. In spite of our success in attracting international business to our shores, this trend cannot be taken for granted. Government will continue to work closely with our international business partners to refine and improve our legislative and regulatory environment. As we prepare for the next century, Government will continue to support cooperative programmes that promote Bermuda as a premier jurisdiction for international business.

As promised by Government at the close of the last Session, a Report by the committee reviewing the policy on franchises will be tabled for debate with the objective of establishing Bermuda's position on this subject.

Although Government is determined to ensure that it continues to be responsive to the needs of the people, the time has come for a further review of the need to create the post of Ombudsman. A Motion to examine the merits of creating such a post will be presented for consideration in this Session.

In closing, the Government will continue to invite public input and, through such activities as monthly town hall meetings, encourage grassroots feedback to provide Bermuda with a more responsive and responsible system of government. Only in this way will policies and programmes be relevant to the general public and Government Departments more receptive to the needs of the public.

Mr. President and Members of The Senate: Mr. Speaker and Members of The Hon. House of Assembly: You will be invited to consider a number of Bills and Discussion Papers in the coming year, including the following: The Bermuda Monetary Authority (Amendment) Bill The Companies (Amendment) Bill The Domestic Violence Bill The Maritime Security Bill The Stalking Bill The Pensions Bill The Proceeds of Crime Bill The Telecommunications (Amendment) Bill The Professional Surveyors Registration Bill The Merchant Shipping (Employment of Young Persons) Regulations The Marine Board Diving Regulations I have now read my last Speech from the Throne and my wife and I cannot pretend that we will not be very sad to leave Bermuda next year.

We have enjoyed working together in the service of Bermuda and her People and are immensely grateful for the friendship and kindness we have been shown.

From the bottom of our hearts we thank you all and wish Bermuda a happy and prosperous future.

Mr. President and Members of The Senate: Mr. Speaker and Members of The Hon. House of Assembly: I now declare this Session open. May God guide you in your deliberations.

The Rt. Hon. The Lord Waddington, GVCO, PC, QC, Governor and Commander-in-Chief.