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Summer Shape-UpBicepsIn our Summer Shape-Up series we've given two exercises to help you get rid of that annoying flap that can take place at the underside of your upper arms.This is where your triceps muscles are. It's important however, to also work your biceps muscle (the upper arm muscle you see bodybuilders flex), whenever doing an exercise for the triceps.Olympic Club personal trainer Christopher Kawaley explained that because these muscles work together, having them balanced is important for proper movement and gait.Exercise: Biceps curlMuscles used: BicepsFor beginners:1) Sit on a bench or chair legs at least should width apart.2) Place your right elbow against the inside of your right leg.3) Slowly curl your forearm up towards your right shoulder by bending the elbow.4) Slowly release the curl.5) Repeat steps three and four, eight to ten times.6) Do three sets of this exercise on each arm.For intermediate and advanced:1) Stand erect with feel shoulder width apart.2) Keep elbows tucked into the side, palms facing forward and back straight.3) Slowly lift the forearm by bending the elbow, keep the back straight.4) Slowly return the forearm down.5) Repeat steps three and four, eight to ten times.6) Do three sets of this exercise on each arm.Mr Kawaley recommends doing biceps curls along with exercises for the triceps, three days a week.[naviga:iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Bfozq05elQI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen][/naviga:iframe]