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Band sees the light after years of obscurity

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Victims of Existence - Khari Thornhill and John Amaral (Photo by Mark Tatem)

'To give up would be too easy, because I know we will make it some day' goes the refrain in a song, 'Against All Odds' by local chart topping music group Victims of Existence.Band members Khari 'Otis' Thornhill and John Eric Amaral felt the full truth of their words recently, when after years of clawing themselves out of obscurity, they signed a digital distribution contract with SunToucher Entertainment, a Sony Music affiliate, and were also nominated for a rap and hip hop award from the Hollywood Music in Media Awards (HMMA).“We were super excited when we learned we had gotten a contract,” said Mr Amaral.“We were excited, shocked and almost in disbelief,” said Mr Thornhill. “Wow, like the steps are there for us to take now.”The contract was arranged by local company Playlist Management run by Theresa Minors and husband David who also represent several other local and international music groups. The contract means that Victims of Existence music will be available on popular download websites such as iTunes, Rhapsody, and BuyMusic among other sites.“We went with Playlist at the end of last year,” said Mr Thornhill. “They have definitely helped us. They have taken us under their wing and treated us like family. Before Playlist it was just us with the music, making the music and putting it out on the internet and trying to create a buzz or network of some sort. We never really had connections or means to go about promoting our music.”The two started out as high school friends. They originally set up shop in Mr Amaral's parents shed out back, and then were pleased to graduate to playing in a clothes closet in Mr Amaral's bedroom. Today they work in a self-constructed booth in Mr Amaral's house.“In high school we did disc jockey work at parties, but did not get into music production until after we graduated,” said Mr Thornhill. “We formed Victims of Existence in 2002, and the name was taken from lyrics in one of our songs.”Mr Amaral said the name seemed apt as most people feel like 'victims of existence' with out of control lives at some point.“It fit the music we tried to put out there,” said Mr Amaral. “The way I see it most people feel like victims of existence at some point in their lives. Something might happen, outside forces might come in and you have no control of it.”Since then they have become well known locally for songs such as 'Against All Odds' and 'When I'm With You'. Their single 'A Place With A Vibe' (with collaborators Ill Logical Linguistics) has been at the top of the charts on radio stations such as Hott 107.5 and Tha Underground .“We probably started to feel success in 2006 when we started producing for other people,” said Mr Amaral. “It wasn't really our music but our name got out there, and people recognised us for music production and recording. We recorded for C'Daynger, Mike Wild, and Choy Aming. We were on the first and second 'Ride the Wave' compilation albums.”Mr Amaral said being from an Island, it was natural for his influences to be reggae artists such as Bob Marley and Peter Tosh. Mr Thornhill said his influences were more hip-hop.“When I was growing up hip hop wasn't too big on the Island,” said Mr Thornhill. “Reggae and Rthymn and Blues has always been more prominent here. When I was introduced to hip hop it was around the days when Tupac Shakur, Biggie Smalls and Jay Z was trying to make it more popular. I started listening to more underground hip hop such as Apathy and Jedi Mind Tricks. I was fascinated by people who were out there, pushing the envelope lyrically. It was amazing to hear what they were saying and to think that I could do something like that also.”The duo are pretty clear about their next goal.“We want to get on American radio,” said Mr Amaral.For more information about Victims of Existence e-mail playlistmanagement@gmail.com or see them on You Tube or check them out on Facebook. Their music will also shortly be available on popular music download sites such as iTunes, Rhapsody, BuyMusic, Emusic, the new Napster, AOL's MusicNet, and MusicMatch.* Hear some of their songs here: www.myspace.com/victimsofexistence