Real dads play kitty
A grown man lays on the floor meowing in an unnaturally high pitched voice. Two children scream and run around him in circles also meowing.It might seem like an insignificant moment in an evening, but in actuality this meower, this teller of tall tales and homework helper known as daddy, is doing important (manly) work to make sure his children have a bright future.Studies have shown time and again that children who have a daddy or positive male role model in their life are more likely to grow up to become productive citizens who are less likely to engage in social deviance or abuse drugs an alcohol.When The Royal Gazette recently interviewed a group of young children about what they liked to do with the significant man in their life, they talked about playing kitty, fishing, feeding the chickens. It was clear that to a child, it is the little things that mattered the most.And the significant man wasn’t always a daddy. One little boy proudly help up a picture of him and his grandpa (upside down).Sometimes the children had funny and unexpected responses. When asked what daddy looked like, one little girl said, “hairy”.