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Age: 40Role: Plant manager, Bermuda CableVisionWhat is your job? Plant manager of Bermuda Cablevision. In this capacity, I am responsible for overseeing 300-plus miles of fibre-coaxial plant, and the supporting team of installers, service techs, main line techs, dispatchers, and warehouse associates who are moving to be one of the best customer service providers on the Island.

Age: 40

Role: Plant manager, Bermuda CableVision

What is your job? Plant manager of Bermuda Cablevision. In this capacity, I am responsible for overseeing 300-plus miles of fibre-coaxial plant, and the supporting team of installers, service techs, main line techs, dispatchers, and warehouse associates who are moving to be one of the best customer service providers on the Island.

What is your favourite part of the job? While I do not like to hear about unresolved issues, I enjoy solving problems for our customers and employees alike.

What is your least favourite part of the job? Television and Internet services are very important to the people of this Island, and it can become very stressful after storms and hurricanes if service is not restored quickly. Our end goal is to ensure that our subscribers concerns are dealt with as quickly as possible and, if managed correctly, the stress is eliminated.

What is your most interesting experience at work? There has never been just one experience which stood above all the rest. However, I've witnessed or been a part of so many experiences, that I could write a best seller book! I have worked with so many unique people from around the world, have been challenged by many types of subscribers, escaped pet attacks, and dodged serious weather issues. There is never a dull moment in my job and every day is different.

What would you be doing otherwise? I would have enjoyed working at an engineering or architectural firm on the Island, or running my own charter fishing business.