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Breaking News: UBP to oppose curfew bike bill

The United Bermuda Party will oppose a bike bill due in the House tomorrow which threatens to jail teen riders for breaking a curfew — as well as parents who let them.

The Auxillary Bicycles Amendment Act would stop those under 18 riding between midnight and five a.m.

Opposition Transport spokesman Michael Fahy said: “While we support the intent in improving road safety and reducing the number of road deaths, particulary injuries to 16 to 18-year-olds, we are unable to support the bill in the current form.”

He said the proposed law allowed the offender to be fined $300, five to seven points be deducted from their licence and a discretionary six months in prison.

“That is absolutely draconian,” said Sen. Fahy.

And UBP is worried about what it terms “parental responsibility legislation through the back door”.

Sen. Fahy said any parent who allows a child to ride in the curfew can also face a 12-month jail term as well as a $300 fine and five to seven points off their licence .

* See tomorrow’s Royal Gazette for the full story.