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Bank: ?No substantive talks? on potential sale of buildings

The Bank of Bermuda said there has been no substantive talks surrounding Government?s interest in purchasing the Bank of Bermuda/HSBC Compass Point building.

The Mid-Ocean News reported on Friday that Government was looking to buy several Bank of Bermuda properties which will become vacant should the bank move to a planned new office block in Hamilton.

?Bank of Bermuda?s consolidation to consolidate our operations into three premises were clearly laid out in our Planning proposal,? a bank spokesperson said in a Press release. ?As a result we have been approached by a number of parties interested in the possibility of acquiring those premises that may become available on the commercial real-estate market.

?No substantive talks have ensued and we reserve further comment on the details until that time,? the bank said.

Meanwhile, there will be no decision about the bank?s plans for a seven-storey structure on Front Street until later this month, the Development Applications Board (DAB) said.

In November, 23 objections were received for the bank?s proposed seven-storey building on the site of the former Trimingham?s building.

?We are revising the application plans in response to these objections,? Cooper & Gardner architect Julia Van Beelen told Planning.