Waste disposal costs amended
A raft of new Government fees have been passed by the House of Assembly.
The amendments, which include new fees for disposing of waste, registering healthcare professionals and establishments, and applying to amend the registration of condominium developments, were tabled by Finance Minister Bob Richards on Wednesday.
The Government Fees Amendment Regulations will include the Bermuda Post Office amending fees for private mail handlers and couriers.
Mr Richards told the House: “To provide some relief for construction and landscaping companies, the ministry intends to adjust fees for the disposal of waste at March Folly and the airport to the fee level in 2013, of $25 per load.
“Also, a new fee will be provided for in the regulations for the disposal of septage at Tynes Bay Septage Plant of $15 per tonne.”
However, the move prompted questions from the Opposition when Minister of Public Works, Craig Cannonier, revealed that the decision to revert to the 2013 fee level came about because plans to impose a new fee system had not worked out.
The Shadow Works and Engineering Minister, Dennis Lister, said: “I don’t think this should be deemed as ‘relief’. What they did, did not work, so they have gone back to what was working.
“It has just reverted to what it was before.”
Mr Richards also mentioned immigration fees.
He said: “Under limited circumstances, the Immigration Board or Minister of Home Affairs may waive the requirement to advertise a position where a Short-Term or Standard Work Permit is being applied for by an employer. It is proposed to set a new fee of $500 whenever an application for a waiver of advertising is applied for.”