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The Marshall Plan

LAMONT Marshall is confident that he and his brother Larry are amongst the five top contenders most likely to win this year's May 24 Marathon Derby race.

He posted notice of his intention by setting what is believed to be the second fastest 5K road race run by a Bermudian in last Sunday's "Sir" Stanley Burgess races.

More importantly he claimed his first victory over seven-times May 24 runner-up Jay Donawa, albeit by a margin of l2 seconds.

The 21-year-old said this week he is entering the Marathon Derby with the intention of winning and will, all being well, be pairing up with his brother Larry who has been turning in equally impressive results on the road running scene this year.

Asked who he believes will be at the fore on the big day he names himself and his brother, Donawa, reigning champion Terrence Armstrong and multi-winner Kavin Smith.

"That's who we figure will be the main contenders and we feel each and every one of those runners has a chance," said Lamont, whose lifetime 5K best last Sunday came only two weeks after he did the same in the RMS 10K road race where brother Larry edged a narrow victory.

"May 24 brings a lot of distinctive aspects that you don't often get in running. There is the heat and the humidity and it's a very hilly course, and then there is the crowd.

"Everyone is going to be working to try to get that win and I'm going into the race to win it.

"I've put in a lot of work and I feel I'm at the stage where I'm a possible contender. Every one of the five of us has a chance on the day." The continuing improvement of the Marshall brothers has been eye-opening of late. Since the start of the year they have proved untouchable amongst domestic competition.

They train under the watchful eye of their father Larry Sr. and seem almost to share out the honours of winning events.

For Lamont the year got off to a perfect start when he won the Front Street Mile residents' race during International Race Weekend with a record-breaking effort. That was just the beginning of a string of personal best times at distances from 800 metres upwards.

In February's Butterfield and Vallis 5K it was Lamont who secured a victory by three seconds over his brother. He did not contest the Lindo's to Lindo's 10K in March, however Larry Jr. ensured that title also went to the Marshall household with a near two-minute victory margin.

When Larry also won the RMS 10K just over two weeks ago, Lamont was close behind and set a personal best just over 31:30.

Without giving away any secrets as to how the brothers have kept improving over all distances, Lamont said: "My father coaches both of us. We have kept to the schedule and it's proven to work. I'm peaking now." He puts the improvements down to a solid strength training base that a long run once a week as well as a weekly fast track session.

The prospect of a duel between the Marshall brothers' raw speed and the long distance stamina of Donawa, Armstrong and Smith gives this year's May 24 an added dimension of unpredictability for anyone trying to short-list the likely men's winner.

As he rested after his "Sir" Stanley Burgess 5K win, Lamont said: "I feel that was my last race (before May 24). From now until then I'll be tapering, eating properly and resting."