'BIKE' debuts at film festival
Created: Feb 06, 2010 10:00 AM
"BIKE" the film directed by Bermudian filmmaker Vance Chapman has been accepted for screening at the prestigious Pan African Film Festival (PAFF) showing in Culver City, California February 10-15.
BIKE features and all Bermudian cast including CedarBridge Academy student Jason Richardson, Janet Smith, Damleon Daly, Medina Bean, Tsilala Brock, Eugene Coddington and Ira Philip, Sr.
Established in 1992, each year PAFF presents over 100 quality films from the United States, Africa, the Caribbean, Latin America, Europe, the South Pacific and Canada, all showing the diversity and complexity of people.
Vance Chapman is a son of Mrs. Laverne Chapman and Mr. Earlston Chapman.