Congratulations, Rachael Gosling!
By David Ezekiel
Congratulations to Rachael Gosling for winning the 2014 Ernie Owen Individual at the Bridge Club from a 36-player field.
The event resonates with me as Ernie was my partner and friend for many years until his untimely death, and he was perhaps the best bidding theorist I have played with – he is still missed. In second place was Judy Bussell with Misha Novakovic in third – well done to Rachael and the placed players.
This week’s hand always leaves me dreaming of having pulled off this play! Sitting South in a very high stakes rubber bridge game in the Bahamas in the 1970s was the flamboyant American John Crawford.
Dealer West E/W Vulnerable
? 64
? 762
? AKQ2
? AQJ3
West East
? Q1093 ? KJ875
? K1093 ? 85
? 1087 ? 96
? 8 ? K875
? A2
? AJ4
? J543
? 10942
The Bidding
West North East South
Pass 1C Pass 1NT
Pass 2NT Pass 3NT
Pass Pass Pass
West led the King of Hearts and East played the 8, therefore denying possession of the Jack as he would play it if he had it. Crawford had a problem.
If he played low, West would have to switch to a spade and that would be terminal if the Club finesse was wrong — so he smoothly and without much thought played the heart jack under the King.
West was mesmerised with this and happily continued with another heart – curtains.
Crawford won in hand and took the losing club finesse but when East won he had no heart to return to partner and could not stop Crawford making nine tricks.
Sheer brilliance and to do it in tempo so that West would not figure out what was happening made it all the more brilliant.
Should West have figured it out? Clearly yes, but only if playing with a good partner who would signal properly... the 8 would show an even number of hearts, clearly two, leaving South with three and exposing the Jack as a false card.
Figuring that out in the heat of battle is another thing and the hand just added to Crawford’s legendary status.