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Don’t forget your pets in a storm!

When preparing for a hurricane, sometimes we can get so caught up in securing the house, boat or car that we may forget about our pets. Pet owners should know what the experts have to say about animals during this terrible weather season.

SPCA shelter chairman Dr. Andrew Madeiros described what the SPCA does to prepare themselves and the animals for a hurricane and what you should do too.

“The best thing you can do is plan ahead,” explained Dr. Madeiros. “If you see on the weather station that there is a chance of a hurricane a week in advance, don’t wait until the day before to get prepared; do it as soon as possible.”

Make sure you have a kit that has food, litter and any medications the animals may need in case there is a problem and you can’t get more immediately.

At the SPCA, the cats have indoor-outdoor access so they secure the access door in order to make sure the cats don’t get out. This is just like what you should do at home. “We bring in all the animals we can inside and put them in cages,” Dr. Madeiros said. “We do this in case there is any structural damage and things fall, the animals have those cages to keep them safer.”

All animals should have some sort of shelter, but they should really be brought inside. Don’t wait until it starts looking stormy to bring them in either - if the storm is supposed to hit mid-afternoon, bring them inside in the morning, get them settled, give them a little water and get them a litter pan if necessary.

If you have a larger animal, like a horse, they should have a stable. People who don’t have a stable should make sure the corralling area is clear of any debris that could blow around and cause damage.

“During the storm it’s best to keep animals away from doors and particularly windows in case they blow in. It also keeps them calmer,” said Dr. Madeiros. “Animals that do get nervous during storms should be kept as far away from the outer walls as possible so that any noise is muted.