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Rebello gives thanks

IN what has been a "blazing" season for Boulevard, John Rebello and company will be looking to apply the finishing touches to a successful 2001/02 campaign.

Undefeated this season in the league, only St. David's now stand in their way of keeping this remarkable run intact.

Blazers host the islanders on Sunday at BAA field - a venue where only Hamilton Parish managed to steal a point from the league champions in their back yard.

Full of praise, Blazers' coach Rebello urged the Boulevard community to bring the families out and join in the celebrations.

"Personally, I would like to thank Leroy Stevens for bringing me down to Boulevard and for allowing me to become a part of a dynasty that nobody else seemed to want to inherit," he acknowledged.

Rebello also took the opportunity to thank his veterans for their contribution to the team's resurrection and the Blazers' faithful.

"They (veterans) have all stuck by me in addition to leading by example," he added. "They have truly been the foundation that we have been able to build on.

"I would also like to thank the entire Boulevard community who lent their tremendous support and rallied behind us.

"We will be going out there to try and make a good account of ourselves and try and come out of it undefeated.

"So I urge everyone to come out and join us in reaping the rewards for a long season that started back in June (2001).

"We will be looking to keep our unbeaten streak alive, collect our league trophy..the party is at BAA."

Boulevard also have their sights set on the First Division league and Shield double, so this match will be Blazers' final match before they are due to grace the luscious confines up on the 'carpet'.

Premier Division bound Somerset Eagles, meanwhile, are set to carry their celebratory entourage to Southampton Oval, where the home team will attempt to rain on the west enders' parade.

But unlike their guests, Rangers have not had too much to shout about lately - that is, at least on the soccer pitch - during a season in which coach Ronue Cann threw in the towel - now that's talking "blues "!

However, after bagging a staggering ten goals against Social Club last weekend, perhaps the loyal Southampton following witnessed a glimpse of better things to come in the very near future.

And with a talented crop of youngsters just aching to emerge onto the scene, with a little direction and commitment, only the "sky" is the limit.

At Malabar Field, Hamilton Parish will be looking to finish their season off on a winning note against Ireland Rangers. Parish had the wind taken out of their sails last weekend after Boulevard emphatically extinguished their slim promotion hopes.

With such a talented nucleus and considerable depth at their disposal, Parish should have gotten over the heartbreak by now. However, if they are looking for any sympathy, Ireland Rangers are not the ones, as the Dockyard team will also be looking to finish strong!

Prospect take on Paget at Police Field, while 108 goals in arrears, Young Men's Social Club now have the entire summer to lick their wounds.

However, they must be commended for their relentless determination and reluctance to quit - a lesson in resilience, that should make former Rangers' coach Cann envious - especially during a time when it's much easier to jump ship, rather than stay put and help bail-out the boat.