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Sisters jailed for stealing $500,000 from grandmother

Sisters Lorraine Smith (left) and Audra-Ann Bean, were today jailed for stealing from their grandmother.

Two thieving sisters who stole almost $500,000 from their grieving grandmother have this afternoon been jailed for 15 months each.Sending Lorraine Smith and Audra-Ann Bean to prison, Puisne Judge Carlisle Greaves told them: "You became consumed by your own greed; the greed lying inside of you, as it lies inside every one of us."He said the case was "a lesson for us all".Smith and Bean deceived 87-year-old Lenice Tucker into adding their names to her bank accounts just days after her wealthy 91-year-old sister Lesseline died in July 2010.A jury heard during their trial in April that mother-of-four Smith, 46, who worked for Argus Insurance, gave some of her grandmother's money to a friend as a loan. She spent further money on rent and school fees for her daughters at the Bermuda Institute.Bean, a 44-year-old mother of one, was a Ministry of Education paraprofessional working with special needs children. She used cash stolen from her grandmother to pay off her credit card and go on a shopping spree for shoes, jewellery and other items.The trial heard evidence from the elderly victim before finding the sisters, from Warwick, guilty of senior abuse by financial exploitation and multiple charges of theft.According to prosecutor Garrett Byrne Ms Tucker has been left a "very, very depressed person" who no longer goes out and just wants to stay in bed as a result of the case.Mr Byrne also told the judge that while the sisters have signed a consent order paying most of the money back, the elderly victim is still out of pocket to the tune of $78,433.The defendants were the first to be convicted under the Senior Abuse Register Act 2008. The judge ordered that their names be placed on that register as a result.