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St. George's names first town manager

Research's head of operations Ms Margaret Emmott for the new post of Town Manager.And the Bermudian yesterday promised to "really go to town'' when she starts the job on November 15, saying St. George's had "enormous potential''.

Research's head of operations Ms Margaret Emmott for the new post of Town Manager.

And the Bermudian yesterday promised to "really go to town'' when she starts the job on November 15, saying St. George's had "enormous potential''.

Ms Emmott, who has lived in St. George's for nearly 30 years, also plans to put a feminine touch to running the Old Town.

"I'd like to see the town with lots more flowers,'' she said. "As far as I can see it would not be very expensive but would enhance the place a great deal. I would also like to see art exhibitions in the new docks buildings.'' Ms Emmott had many other ideas as well, but said she would be in a better position to disclose them after being in the job a month.

One of her first tasks will be carrying out a major initiative to breathe new life into St. George's, which is gearing for up for its own cruise ship next year.

St. Georgians "in some areas'' will be donning period costume and taking part in historical re-enactments, St. George's Mayor the Wor. Henry Hayward announced.

That and other ideas would be announced at a public meeting next month, he said.

Ms Emmott holds no educational degree, but has completed several business and hotel courses at Bermuda College.

"I was mostly on-the-job trained,'' she said, referring to her nearly 30 years at the Bio Station.

Ms. Emmott, who was among more than 20 applicants for the post, has worked at the Bio Station since 1966, holding the positions of administrative assistant, assistant to the director and operations supervisor.

"We felt the variety of responsibilities she had at the Bio Station would make her well suited for the job,''said Mr. Hayward, adding it was "a hard choice''.

Ms Emmott said while at the Bio Station she had done "everything'', including secretarial work, fundraising, education, public relations, maintenance, reservations, administration, interior and exterior decorating.

Excited about the position, she said, "As a St. Georgian -- I wasn't actually born here but have lived here for 30 years -- I have a great interest in the Town and believe it has enormous potential. If I could get hold of $1 million I could really go to town.'' Her first tasks will be overseeing several improvement projects in St.

George's, the building of the new cruise ship terminal -- and the new promotional ideas to be announced next month.

She is also tasked with coming up with new revenue raising ideas and ways of promoting the town.

Ms Emmott will work alongside Corporation secretary Mrs. Lilly Oatley, who is responsible for the day-to-day running of the Corporation.

"We want to develop and refine our town's attractiveness,'' Mr. Hayward said.

"We have some ideas that we want to put into action in the next six months.'' Ms Emmott decided to leave the Bio Station "by fluke'' after seeing the "exciting opportunity'' advertised in the newspaper.

Corporation secretary Ms Lilly Oatley said Ms Emmott's salary was to be worked out.

NEW POST -- Ms Margaret Emmott, operations supervisor at the Bermuda Biological Station for Research, starts the new post of St. George's Town manager next month.