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Donald Scott named Cabinet Secretary

Long-serving civil servant Donald Scott was yesterday appointed Cabinet Secretary in place of Marc Telemaque.

Mr. Scott, the former Financial Secretary, was appointed to the most senior Civil Service position on the recommendation of Premier Paula Cox, who has served alongside him as Finance Minister for six years.

Mr. Telemaque, Cabinet Secretary throughout Ewart Brown's tenure as Premier, has been doubling up as Acting Head of the Civil Service since the departure of Kenneth Dill.

He is now expected to take up a "very senior post in Government", according to a statement from Government House.

Mr. Scott was sworn in at Government House yesterday, with the post becoming effective from Monday.

He is in charge of the Cabinet Office, the Government department that provides administrative and management support to the Premier, the Cabinet, and the Government as a whole.

The Cabinet Secretary also chairs the Civil Service Executive (CSE), comprised of Government Permanent Secretaries — the principal governing body of the Civil Service.

Mr. Scott has been with the Civil Service for 25 years, as Financial Secretary since April 2000, when his responsibilities included providing economic and financial policy advice to the Finance Minister: first Ms Cox's father Eugene Cox, and then Ms Cox herself from 2004.

He had direct reports from five other departments within the Finance Ministry, with a staff of 400 were responsible for collecting about $1 billion in tax revenue and pension contributions.

His previous positions include Chief Statistician, Census Superintendent, Assistant Financial Secretary (Economics & Finance), and Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health and Family Services.

A Cabinet Office press release said he holds a Combined Honours Degree in Economics and Sociology from Dalhousie University, and completed a postgraduate management development programme jointly sponsored by the Bermuda Government and the New York Institute of Technology.

He took part in the Duke of Edinburgh's 7th Commonwealth Study Conference at Oxford University in 1992 and is a lifetime member of the International Banking, Economics and Finance Association.