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At what cost

This letter writer complains about the cost of and damage to Heritage Wharf

December 4, 2012Dear Sir,I am not going to go through all of the alleged accomplishments being claimed by the PLP. However, let us look at some of them. Good Governance Reforms — we have yet to see the transparency. Saving of Butterfield Bank — at what cost? Construction of Heritage Wharf — at large over run and falling apart after a few years. Construction of new Berkeley Institute — another large over run in cost. Dame Lois Browne Evans Justice Building — another large overrun in cost. Completed grandstand, cricket pavilion and hockey field — at what cost? Renovation of Port Royal Golf Course — another large over run in cost. Demolition of a perfectly good St George’s Golf Course and now claiming renovation of that course. Land Tax exemptions for Seniors — only partial exemption now because they are running out of money. Guess I could go on but that would mean writing a book. If these are accomplishments, God help us!ANTONY SIESEPaget