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Cup Match is nearly here, the hard work starts now

Cup Match is merely a month away and already both Cup Match clubs are doing all that they can to make sure the players are at their best. The pool of players for both teams is of great quantity, but unlike previous years minimal cricket has been played prior to Cup Match, thus making the job of the selectors a little tricky.

With the final trial only three weeks away let's take a closer look at which players for both clubs could be looking at for a final spot in the Annual Classic.

Challengers: Somerset

They have brought the old Somerset faithful Winston Reid back as coach to help prepare them for the mighty challenge. He brings with him a calmness and loads of experience to the table, but can he get the best out of a Somerset team who are undoubtedly not lacking in talent.

Also back at the helm, as captain is my friend Jacobi Robinson. Jacobi is a fighter, but does he have the wisdom and cricketing knowledge to think St.George's out twice? In the past his leadership has had St.George's on the ropes only to let them off, but that disappointment won't deter Jacobi from thinking this is the time and the place to do it, in his own backyard.

Somerset not only have the quantity to choose from but have an enormous amount of quality in the pickings, the issue or concern is will they pick a more youthful, enthusiastic team or will they stick by their old stalwarts who have failed miserably to dethrone St.George's in recent years?

With Cup Match being played in Somerset, Somerset will feel this is their year. One player who has been out recovering from injury is Chris Douglas, who if not fit will be a major blow for Somerset. However, more concerning for Somerset is what bowlers will they take? Will they stick with the old faithful Hasan Durham and Dwayne Leverock who seem to have lost touch slightly over the years, or will they revert to a more youthful, energetic bowling attack in Derrick Brangman, Joshua Gilbert with possibly Tamauri Tucker, adding an additional option?

Having a great choice of all-rounders is an advantage that Somerset has. It is a major bonus to have a team full of batsmen, fielders, and bowlers all in one when your goal is to win back the cup. Players like Malachi Jones, Derek Brangman, Dion Stovell, Dean Stephens, Deunte Darrell, you can even throw in Steven Outerbridge and Jordan DeSilva who on their day can do a bit of everything.

This gives Somerset a well balanced team providing they do not let politics get in the way of their team selection.

Holders: St George's

Down at the other end of the Island St.George's seems to be growing from strength to strength. The league team currently sits in first place in First Division with several league players staking a claim for a Cup Match spot. Two players already with centuries under their belts are Richard Todd and Mishael Paynter. Then you have players like James Celestine and Detroy Smith who have been very consistent also trying to break into an already strong St.George's Cup Match team.

From the bowling side of things opening bowling pair Rudell Pitcher and Ryan Steede are pressing for a spot with some fine performances, but with the final trial lurking in three weeks time who knows what can happen between now and than.

From last year's Cup Match team St.George's will have to find a player to fill the shoes of the great Charlie Marshall who retired last season. Also, there are concerns on whether Glen Blakeney will play any cricket this season as he has yet to play any games for Bailey's Bay.

One batsman who has caught the selectors eyes and is pushing hard for a spot with his consistency is Jason Anderson. Right now he is the most in-form batsman in Bermuda. Last week he scored 112 not out and 78 not out. If this is not an attempt to secure a Cup Match spot, it certainly is a claim to be recognised as the number one batsman on the Island in terms of productivity.

This year the big question for St George's will be striking a balance. Last year on a bowler friendly wicket St George's opted for only two pace bowlers, which left Stefan Kelly with an enormous task of bowling some long, tiring spells of quality bowling. This year the battle is on for fast bowling positions with the likes of George O'Brien, Gregg Foggo, Stefan Kelly, Ryan Steede, and Rudell Pitcher just to name a few.

One concern in St George's is who will take over the reins from Lionel Cann as captain? St George's should be making an announcement soon as to who will fill the void.

St. George's will rely on yours truly as coach, assisted by Herbie Bascome, Dean Minors and Clevie Wade to prepare them and get them ready for battle. This gives St George's a batting coach, a bowling coach, a wicket keeping coach and a head coach, which allows more personal focus and more room for individual growth.

At the end of the day there is one month left before Cup Match. The final trial will be here before you know it. There are only two league games and a few international games left before the teams are selected. I encourage each player from both Somerset and St George's to give it their all and be vigilant in your preparation so that if selected you can give a true account of your ability over the two days.

Let's make this Cup Match one to remember, the hard work starts now.