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Give thanks for birth of Jesus

The Rt. Rev. Ewen Ratteray

It was in mid October in Boston at the end of an excellent Clergy Retreat, that I realised how near Christmas was; the decorations in many of the shops and the carols that were being played made that abundantly clear! And on my return I found a memoir on my desk that reminded me to write this very Christmas message. And it wasn't even November yet! So it is that that Holy Season is now upon us.

At Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus.

It is a time of joy and thanksgiving for a unique event in the history of the world.

For the birth of Jesus in a stable was nothing less than that!

The child born of Mary was none other than God's only Son, that is why in Scripture he is also named Emmanuel, God with us. He was sent into a world in desperate need, to bring healing and salvation.

And his being born in such humble circumstances made the clear point that those without a voice, without wealth, without power or influence and those without even a roof over their heads were of high importance.

The nature of his ministry underscored this in a host of ways as he ministered to the poor and those considered outcasts.

And yet wondrously and awesomely, Angels heralded his coming into our world, and Wise Men from the East worshipped him and brought to him precious gifts of great significance. We may well think of this as a kind of paradox, but it only makes sense if he is indeed God's Son.

And so as this holy time as we gather with our families and friends, and share food and drink in fellowship and exchange gifts, we lift up glad and thankful hearts for God's gift of his Son, to you and to me.

And we pray that his example of love and compassion may be exhibited by each of us in all that we do throughout the coming year.

May we keep our eyes, ears and hearts open to those whose needs are far greater than our own, and may they see in us the loving face of Jesus.

I wish you and all whom you love a very Happy and Joyous Christmas.


The Rt. Revd. Ewen Ratteray

Bishop of Bermuda