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Woman given conditional discharge for using threatening words

A 41-year-old St George’s woman charged with threatening her son’s girlfriend was given a conditional discharge in Magistrates’ Court.Nichole Simmons admitted leaving phone messages for the woman, including one which said: “I will f**k you up if you disrespect me one more time.”The woman complained about the messages at Southside Police Station on October 27.Simmons was arrested on November 25.Yesterday, she told Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner that she had since decided to seek counselling for anger management.Simmons apologised to the court, saying: “I didn’t touch her. I said what I said, but my son and I never had issues before this young lady.”Mr Warner told her: “Your son is a man now. There is a time when you have got to let go.”Simmons received a 12-month conditional discharge on the condition that she continue with counselling at the Women’s Resource Centre.