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Letters to the Editor

If the government keeps dragging their feet on veterans pensions for those who served in Bermuda, there may be very few people left to claim these benefits. Maybe this is the plan?I would like to express my appreciation and thanks to the Bermuda Post Office for their excellent service. I sent a post card from Hamilton back home to the west coast of Canada, which arrived only eight days later, which is much better service than I have experienced in many other countries.

Is it a waiting game?

October 19, 2006

Dear Sir,

If the government keeps dragging their feet on veterans pensions for those who served in Bermuda, there may be very few people left to claim these benefits. Maybe this is the plan?

First class delivery

October 31, 2006

Dear Sir,

I would like to express my appreciation and thanks to the Bermuda Post Office for their excellent service. I sent a post card from Hamilton back home to the west coast of Canada, which arrived only eight days later, which is much better service than I have experienced in many other countries.

Freedom of speech

October 31, 2006

Dear Sir,

Sgt. Perinchief says: "They should wait until it's over to complain." An illegal and immoral war shouldn't be condemned by the very people sent to fight and die for it? If not them, who should speak out? Civilians who don't really know what's going on? The politicians who got the US into this mess in the first place?

The kind of blind obedience that Sgt. Perinchief preaches is what got the US into the trouble it's in today. The notion that you can't criticise the government is ludicrous. If the US founding fathers hadn't spoken up about what they perceived as the evils of their British masters, the US would still be a part of the British Commonwealth. Is that the kind of obedience Sgt. Perinchief expects?

An invitation to Trump

October 11, 2006

Dear Sir,

We have bingo during Cup Match and County Game, we have Crown & Anchor. Bermudians take their chances in the hope of winning on the horse races, the football pools, plus we gamble on the internet.

We gamble in the homes of our friends for big stakes, and take trips to Vegas for the same reaqsons. Mr. Editor, I said all this to say, the Alex Scott administration had double standards. Why did the Government raid the bars and destroy their gaming machines, followed by a raid on the casino boat. Why have a gambling law for some and not for others?

I urge the Bermudian community to allow the hotels to operate Casinos. A great deal of politicians are also gamblers ? the gambling with voters lives ? with their lies and false promises I call them politricks . Use your brain Bermudians refrain from voting for personalities ? vote for issues and make the politician line up to his or her promises.

The PLP needs to remove the world LABOUR ? it has not lived up to its name, "Labour Party".

I invite Donald Trump to Bermuda to consider building a beautiful Casino at Morgan's Point. We don't need any more golf courses. Transform Port Royal Golf Course into a professional golf course ? so Tiger Woods can fly in!

Where are the Police?

October 30, 2006

Dear Sir,

Two Fridays ago, the Police came out with this bold initiative to crack down on the stupidity and asinine behaviour that permeates Bermuda's roadways. On one hand, I say bravo to them for a worthy initiative, but on the other hand, I ask, where is the follow-up? Ten days later, people are once again on their bikes creating a third lane. Ten days later, they are still assuming 50 kph is the speed limit and push to go faster. Ten days later, not a police speed trap or check point is to be found! So where is the sincerity in their initiative? If they are going to crack down on road safety and are serious about it, let's take some positive steps and follow through!

If I can suggest a few areas where the police could maximise their efforts:

1) Paget Traffic Lights (both sides) at both rush hours ? pull the third lane bikes into Paget Pharmacy parking lot or the Church parking lot ? have pre-printed tickets ? write down their drivers licence and their bike plate, slap them with a $75 fine and send them on their merry way. At $75 per ticket, the police could probably recover half a policeman's salary in one week.

2) East Broadway (both sides) at both rush hours ? same strategy for the third lane.

3) Just so we are not coming down on just the bikers, spotters along East Broadway with pre-printed tickets for cell phone use while driving, no seatbelts, children unrestrained or not in child seats, just like everywhere else in the world.

4) South Shore / North Shore / Barnes Corner / Middle Road ? several, not just one, speed traps and again, pre-printed tickets to save time for both the Police and the courts. $55 initial fine, and then $5 for every kilometre over 35 ? one 50 kph ticket = $130 ? no court, no judge, just the fine. Over 50 kph ? make it $110 plus $10 per Km plus a no contest 6 months driving suspension from ALL vehicles, not graded. For those who would say "but I need my drivers license for work" or some other lame excuse, I have only to say if you can't do the time, don't do the crime. One 60 kph ticket = fine $360 and the roads are safer for 6 months. No court tie up again, and pure profit to the Police coffers for the stupidity of the drivers.

5) Final suggestion ? RIDE (Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere) programme operating from one hour before bar closing to ?? after club closing NIGHTLY on all major roads out of Hamilton ? mandatory stop, inspect, breath sample at police discretion. If people are not guilty of a DUI, the stop-check process can take all of one minute per vehicle and the population should be happier for the courtesy of a check rather than feeling inconvenienced. Refusal to provide a sample on request can be presumed as admission of guilt and should be dealt with accordingly. Offenders should not be able to continue on, their car should be impounded and they should be remanded to a jail cell over night to sober up.

What I am suggesting here is nothing new ? this type of enforcement works exceptionally well in many other places in the world. Until we get serious with the problem, we will not effectively address the problem. Cost is not an issue ? the revenue generated from these fines would pay for a traffic contingent! Of course, once the traffic is under control again, these police officers can then be re-integrated into the rest of the force, and help to reduce the criminal activity on our island.

More dangerous roads

October 30, 2006

Dear Sir,

It has been approximately two weeks since the 35 kph crackdown. Do you feel safer?

I ride a pedal bike mornings at 5.30 a.m. in hope of avoiding traffic, well there is not a morning that a vehicle either fails to stop, cuts me off or slams brakes after passing to make a turn or something.

Latter when I ride to work at 35 kph, it's like the speed limit does not exist for the rest of the vehicles that are either riding/driving as if they want to get on the bike with me or just get as close as they can before they pass, that the word threat to one's life comes to mind.

Now, mind you, during all of my travels at different times of the day, the Police presence has not in my opinion made the roads any safer. In fact, I would say they are more dangerous.

Then there are the constant times that I am passed in both directions from vehicles travelling at irresponsible speeds that would surely lead to a large traffic offence (if this was one of the times when there was a Police presence around). Surely this would deter these people from their careless driving habits.

Obviously not, nor the fact that we have had ten road deaths this year. At what price are we as Bermudians willing to pay to slow down?

The Road Safety Council would do better spending their funds on throwing stones with notes on them at drivers because it does not seem to be reaching anyone.

What is road safety? The rules of the road are one thing to abide by, and then there are the road conditions, which are also very poor. Does the Road Safety Council fall asleep on their way to work or are they travelling on air? Or is it not my job?

There are also sections of road that trenching crews have decided to leave speed bumps across the road. What is terribly wrong with the roads managers that they do not police this work or they don't give a flying leap about it? Or is it not my job?

I write this letter after I recently passed the airport roundabout which has had one of its directional signs run over by someone going 35 kph and what appears to be another traffic bungle at the Collectors Hill junction.



Unethical reporting October 29, 2006

Dear Sir,

After seeing the headline "Stabbing victim was divorcing wife - report", in Saturday's edition of , I was thoroughly disgusted! Where was the news in this 'trash' article?

Does the reporter have facts that this intended divorce was directly related to the death of the deceased, if not then what could possibly have been the point of such a headline and story, other than to generate sales and/or generate speculation and gossip surrounding the untimely death of Marcus Gibbings.

Once again, has demonstrated a level of unethical reporting, not to mention being grossly inconsiderate and insensitive to the family and friends of the deceased, while they are still mourning his death.