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Quartet locked up in brutal torture case

Puisne Judge Carlisle Greaves yesterday threatened to imprison a man who reached into the Supreme Court dock to encourage his brother after he was sentenced to four years in Wesgate for torturing a man.

?No one comes into my court and disrespects me!? Mr. Greaves told convicted torturer Jakai Tyrone Harford?s brother.

Making the man stand to attention before the bench, Mr. Justice Greaves eyed him for a time before saying: ?Sit down and let me make a decision about you.?

After a stern talking to the judge told Harford?s brother to ?go in peace?. The hearing was raucus, as Harford, Antoine Herbert Anderson, John O?Donald Fox and Shaki Allen Jay Minors were sentenced before a courtroom packed with family and friends. Over the course of Anderson?s three-day trial in December, the court heard that Dwayne Trott had been chopped with a machete, beaten with a two-by-four until it broke, had plastic bags burned over both legs, was beaten by his own brother, and had dogs released on his feet.

Dr. Wolfgang Spangenberger told the court that portions of Mr. Trott?s stomach and duodenum (intestine) had to be removed and that three, separate surgeries had to be performed to save his life. Mr. Trott had to spend three months in King Edward VII Memorial Hospital following the attack. Mr. Justice Greaves called the case a ?serious and unique one... as their actions can only be described as good old fashion torture?.

But it was to the ?Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? ringleader, Anderson, 27, of St. Monica?s Road, to whom the judge gave his most severe judgement.

?I can only describe you as a very dangerous man,? he told Anderson. ?You seemed to enjoy the torture so much. You took plastic and melted it on him. You kept making expressions to just put him in the dump. I am satisfied you really wanted to kill him!?

Saying Anderson?s parents and teachers had described him as a ?nice, cool fellow, but on the other side every action by you indicates a completely different person?.

Yesterday Anderson maintained his innocence ?in the face of strong evidence and an unanimous verdict?.

Anderson received a seven year prison sentence for causing grievous bodily harm and intending to burn, maim, disable or disfigure with the intent of doing grievous bodily harm to Mr. Trott on January 4, 2001.

Minors, Fox and Harford all pleaded guilty to lesser charges last year. Crown counsel Anthony Blackman asked for four years for Harfort, saying: ?It was (Harford) who jumped on the stomach of the virtual complainant and uttered those remorseless words: ?I saw it in your eyes. I thought on that one I broke you?,?

Mr. Justice Greaves told Fox that he was the oldest and should have been setting a better example before sentencing him to 18 months in prison.

Minors, 21, of Cherry Hill received three years. Mr. Greaves told him he clearly needed some help of which if he did not get he would ?continue to be a real danger to society?.

Minors thought he was a fighter, Mr. Justice Greaves said, which could be seen in his ?atrocious record of violent crimes?.

Even though Minors was 16, at the time of the attack, he urinated on Mr. Trott.

?In that way you reduced a man to less than nothing!? Mr. Justice Greaves admonished him, adding that if Minors got rehabilitation it would have to be in prison or while he was on parole.

?It is doubtful if anyone alive can remember this type of behaviour before in this community,? Mr. Justice Greaves said. ?Doubtless anyone living in this society in the last three to five years has taken note of the mob violence committed by youth throughout the community.?

?This is vexing question, the brazenness and arrogance of those who practice this violence so boldly that it even being practised in public spaces, like Wellington Oval... in the east to the west, from town to country.?

He said the public was hurt and outraged by these outbreaks of mob violence.

Mr. Justice Greaves concluded: ?The sentence in this case must be strong and certain to send a clear message to those who continue to terrorise us, we will not take it anymore.?