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Good Samaritan offers to help eviction-threat woman

A good Samaritan has come forward and offered to pay the $2,000 a Pembroke woman needs to elude eviction.

On Wednesday, 37-year-old Georgina Wray told this paper that she had received a notice from the Bermuda Housing Corporation (BHC) last week saying she would be evicted if she did not pay at least $2,000 of the $19,000 she owed in back rent.

The single mother of three, who said she had been receiving financial assistance on and off since she was 22, claimed she wanted to pay the money back but found it hard to do so and she was earning barely enough to pay her rent.

Ms Wray, who is now enrolled at the Bermuda College studying to be a nurse's aide, said she intends to pay the money back; all she needed was a chance to better herself.

For the past week, she said, she had been unsuccessful in securing a meeting with acting BHC director Deborah Blakeney.

But on Wednesday afternoon, Ms Wray received a call from the BHC and was told that Ms Blakeney would meet with her yesterday morning.

While Ms Wray could not be reached for comment, this paper has learned that she was presented with a contract from the BHC, but details at this time were sketchy.

Although she said she was not well-off, the anonymous donor said after reading Ms Wray's story, she felt compelled to help.

"If I could pay the whole amount, I would," she said.