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Women's rugby team to get a kick out of Full Moon Party

THE last great party of the summer is here to quench your thirst and get you dancing this weekend as Unité Promotions presents the Full Moon Party at Snorkel Park tomorrow from 9 p.m. to 3 a.m.

The party is also a fundraiser to raise money for the national women's rugby team for their first overseas international competition.

Belcario Thomas was able to speak with Mid-Ocean News about the event this weekend and about his history of being a promoter here in Bermuda.

Mr. Thomas said: "I founded Unité Promotions several years ago in an effort to bring great people of like mind from across Bermuda, both local and resident together, via quality world class level inspired events. It was because of my passions in furthering social cohesion for a Bermuda that deserves a more inspired night life and entertainment offering that I started."

Speaking about the fundraising aspect of the party, Mr. Thomas said: "With The Full Moon Party a fundraiser for, and thus hosted by, The National Women's Rugby Team for their first international overseas competition, they'll on hand to greet partygoers, have fun and play games throughout the night.

"Most of our signature events have benefited worthy causes and we're pleased to be raising funds to support their representing Bermuda for the first time ever in the World Cup Qualifier come October 25t and 26 in Nassau, Bahamas. Both men's and women's rugby union teams will be fighting to qualify with much excitement about their chances to represent Bermuda as the sport grows in both popularity and in quality of play here.

"As a rugby enthusiast, having hammed it up as Inside Centre for The University Of Buckingham while in college, I'm excited that Unité Promotions and the Bermuda Rugby Football Union look to do more together in the future, raising awareness, appreciation and funds for a great sport that unites people both on the field and off."

The final party of the summer promises to be a blast and Mr. Thomas said: "This Saturday, September 13, rain, blow or shine, Unité Promotions in conjunction with Snorkel Park invite you to come play and enjoy the last summer beach party of the season under a mystical Full Moon!

"It's an action-packed night with a fiery brand new beach layout featuring five ex-resident DJs of the former Splash Nightclub including Bitzy, Fozzy, Chubb, OB1, and Kaos spinning the clubbing summer anthems of '08. Nearly a thousand revellers are expected, enjoying great music for dancing from R&B and reggae to hip hop and house all night with added touches for fun including a side Sourapple Foampit, Taylor Rankin on violin, neon dancer models, a Poi neon spinning demo, laser light show, smoke machines, volleyball, hot food and promised by Snorkel Park, lots and lots of bartenders, drink specials, and jello shots, with three-speed bars."

People going to the party should get ready to have fun and Mr. Thomas noted: "Dress to come play in beach attire, with the winner of the wackiest outfit drinking for free announced at midnight.

"To make sure your safe and ease your transport woes, it all starts at Albouy's Point. Just ferry up on 8, 9 or 10 p.m. fast ferries and we'll be ferrying people back at 3.30 a.m. for $5. With the most affordable party on Saturday night for only $35 in advance, and with safety and security sorted, there's a lot of bang for your buck for this cool beach party to close out summer right!"

Tickets are available at Music World, CellularONE, Makin Waves Front Street, Unité Promoters. Group tix available call 737 -2355 with more info available on Facebook under "Unite Full Moon Party" ($50 at the door), Event times: 9 p.m.-3 a.m. on Saturday