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Bermuda Year End: Who said what in 2003

"We did mislead you before Thursday by posing as a united front on Tuesday. We did mislead you ? individually and collectively ? on Thursday at the polls by smiling and being quiet about our level of discontent with the leadership and our intended action on Thursday evening," ? the Dr. Ewart Brown explaining the actions of a newly elected group of PLP MPs in their revolt against then Premier Jennifer Smith.


"We did mislead you before Thursday by posing as a united front on Tuesday. We did mislead you ? individually and collectively ? on Thursday at the polls by smiling and being quiet about our level of discontent with the leadership and our intended action on Thursday evening," ? the Dr. Ewart Brown explaining the actions of a newly elected group of PLP MPs in their revolt against then Premier Jennifer Smith.

"I don't consider myself to be a hero. You can't consider yourself a hero if you leave with three people and you come back with one" ? fisherman Robert (Bobby) Lambe after being rescued miles offshore by a US Navy hospital ship last winter.

"They're still here-watching over us like Big Brother, while we sleep, while we eat, while we fornicate. They're still here. They see everything that we do. And this is not paranoia. It is a fact of history and logic" ? 1960s exile Kingsley Tweed on the Police Service's Special Branch.

When asked about the danger of asbestos after Hurricane Fabian, Health Minister Patrice Minors said: "I can't speak to that ? not being a health expert."

"The relationship between the Governor and myself is very cordial and he appreciates me almost like an Englishman and we enjoy a cup of tea," Premier Alex Scott on his contacts with Governor Sir John Vereker in the lead-up to the selection of a non-Bermudian Chief Justice ? over Mr. Scott's choice of Norma Wade Miller.

"Fabian, being a typical male, will probably spend himself too soon" ? Education Minister Paula Cox speaking to a group of women the day before Hurricane Fabian struck in September.

"We should have a Christmas party for this dog. Give him some steaks and put up a no smoking sign" ? Magistrate Carlisle Greaves on the drug-sniffing dog after the sentencing of a cruise ship passenger for marijuana possession.

"I'll tell you one thing. I'll never go to a party where someone gets off on a murder charge again" ? Nicky Tucker, Jr. said after being shot in the foot at the home of Jahni Everett Bean who was acquitted just hours before of the stabbing murder of Tekle Mallory.

"We have one jack hammer for a $70 million project. It's a joke. We feel that we just get bold face lied after bold face lie. We've had enough" ? Jerome Maybury on Pro-Active's troubled Berkeley project.

"We were a little worried about the quantity of milk he drinks but otherwise, it seems that the community has nothing to fear from Mr. Dunkley" ? Patricia Pamplin-Gordon on dairy owner Michael Dunkley after the UBP's first random drug test.

"I've always been leery of Bermudian women and/or organisations dominated by them who simply are prone to mouth what I describe as white middle-class feminist ideology without viewing it through the prism of their unique history and culture" ? Rolfe Commissiong in defending the fact there is only one woman now sitting in the 12 seat Senate.

"They lump all men into the same category, as oppressors of women" ? Rolfe Commissiong again.

"If you find yourself in a hole, drop the hoe" ? Maxwell Burgess on Tourism Minister Renee Webb's defence of the use of stock photos of Hawaii for an advertising campaign.

"This Island is a bore. We have a very long history of repressing personal freedoms and we have a lot of nerve to think that we deserve to get any visitors at all" ? said lawyer and former MP Julian Hall debating casinos at a Tourism conference.

"I am glad that it is over, but I am still not sure that they got the right man" ? heartbroken Lois Easton after Stanford Archibald was convicted of the 1985 killing of her son Aaron Easton.