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Church is still active

January 28, 2011Dear Sir,The commercial was: “The church in the hood that will do you some good.”As I produced this commercial, the word “hood” was chosen and substituted for “neighborhood” because the latter did not flow in rhythm or rhyme. The negative connotations that can be and are attached to the term “hood” were and are not the heart of my communication to the people of Bermuda.It would make little sense for me to publicly demean or injure a people we are trying to evangelise. Indeed weekly, I would pass a number of folks (some I taught) in the St Monica’s Road area. I stopped and spoke to them because they matter. Everyone does. You matter too.The commercial has not aired for almost a year, but let me say that your perspective matters. Hence, please accept my apologies if the ad caused any hurt to you or any people of Bermuda. That was not my intent.Indeed, while I type this letter on my bb, I am at Victor Scott School where I attend assembly each week. I also visit Prospect Primary each week. What a joy! So even though Shekinah Worship Centre is now out of the neighborhood, we are still doing some good there. To me, Bermuda is so small that the whole Island is really one neighborhood.I pray that you feel the love in my response, will forgive any unintended hurt I may have caused, and that healing will come to you concerning the use of the word ‘hood’ in the commercial.Again, you and any other persons who may have been hurt or harmed have my sincerest apologies. If you would like to speak with me, please do not hesitate to contact me at swim@logic.bm.Let the healing begin.Blessings Abound!REV DR MARIA A SEAMANPastor, Shekinah Worship Centre