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287 babies born out of wedlock in 2004

The annual report of the Registrar General, which was released in the House of Assembly on Friday, said that there were 549 babies born by married women and 287 born out of wedlock in 2004. Out of the 287 babies born out of wedlock, 42 were born by mothers aged 30-34, 61 to mothers aged 25-29 and 78 to mothers aged 20-24.

The overall number of births in Bermuda between 2003 and 2004 were virtually the same, the report said, with 836 births in 2003 and 834 births in 2004.

Minister of Labour, Home Affairs and Public Safety Randy Horton said the number was in keeping with the trend of the last five years.

Twins were still relatively rare with 11 born in 2003 and 13 in 2004. There were no infant deaths recorded in 2004, the report said.

It also said 861 marriages took place in 2003 and 868 in 2004.

Southampton continued to be a hot spot for marriage ceremonies. In 2003, 158 couples chose religious ceremonies on beaches, boats, hotels, restaurants, parks, gardens or homes in Southampton and in 2004 there were 142, far exceeding any other parish.

There were 434 deaths in 2003 and 406 in 2004.

In 2003 there were 13 tourist deaths ? nine from natural causes, two drownings, one on a ship at sea and one drug overdose. There were 11 tourist deaths in 2004, eight from natural causes, two road traffic accidents and one drug overdose..

The report also said Bermuda?s estimated resident population was 63,525 in 2003 and 63,955 in 2004.