Kiwanis celebrates by giving bar
International's 78th anniversary by handing out more than $2,200 in gifts to needy individuals and organisations.
Worldwide, Kiwanis has grown to include 8,700 clubs in 77 countries with a total membership of 327,000.
Like their counterparts overseas, the Hamilton Kiwanis sponsors community service projects, volunteers hours of its time and raises funds to meet local needs.
At an informal presentation on Monday, cheques and other gifts were presented by Hamilton Kiwanis secretary-treasurer Ms Judy D. Smith and immediate past-president Mrs. Barbara Thompson.
Traffic accident victim Ms Pamela Pace received $600 to help defray her medical expenses and Mrs. Linda Tear-Russell accepted another $600 cheque which will go towards the Pembroke Rest Home's operating costs.
Prison Fellowship's assistance programmes for prisoners and the formerly incarcerated received a financial boost as well. Assistant commissioner of prisons, Mr. Randall Woolridge, accepted the $400 cheque on behalf of Fellowship co-ordinator, Mr. Glenn Caines.
Casemates' educational hall also received a new 19-inch television set courtesy of the Kiwanis and Ms Carolyn Armstrong accepted $600 which will be used by STAR to assist orphans who lost their parents to AIDS.
Four residents of King Edward VII Memorial Hospital's extended care unit have also received gifts from the Hamilton Kiwanis.
A portion of the donations was raised through a Gospel Concert which was held last May.
Hamilton Kiwani club members will also be visiting residents at Rest Homes around the Island throughout this anniversary week.
Celebrations will culminate in a church service at the Mount Zion Church in Southampton on Sunday, followed by an International Dinner for members and friends.
ANNIVERSARY GIFTS -- In recognition of Kiwanis International's 78th birthday, the Kiwanis Club of Hamilton presented cheques and gifts to those in need.
Pictured are, from left: Hamilton Kiwanis' Ms Judy D. Smith, accident victim Ms Pamela Pace, assistant commissioner of prisons Mr. Randall Woolridge, Pembroke Rest Home's Mrs. Linda Tear-Russell, STAR's Ms Carolyn Armstrong and Mrs. Barbara Thompson of the Hamilton Kiwanis.