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Recording your migraines

Thousands of locals suffer with migraines. The resultant headaches account for many sick days and just generally irritable or grumpy people. A recent survey in the US revealed that many people who suffer with migraines do not seek medical advice for them. The survey also showed that of those who did most were not satisfied with the treatment they received.

It is a good idea to keep a journal of your migraines. When they occur, exactly where in your head the pain starts, what type of pain it is and what seems to have triggered it. Keeping notes helps you to better communicate your problem to your doctor. It may also help you to notice a trend that you may be able to alter yourself.

Some foods have been found to trigger migraines in many people. Cheese, chocolates, red wine and peanuts are among the most common. Through keeping a journal you may notice that you get a headache a few hours after having a chocolate bar. Your remedy may be to stop eating chocolate bars. Before talking with your doctor it is also helpful to write down questions you have. In this way you help yourself to better understand the condition and how it may be treated. There are prescription and natural remedies on the market.