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Do your homework and make the College Fair work for you

More than 50 college representatives including the Bermuda College, US colleges, UK colleges, Canadian colleges and even one from Morocco will be attending this years? International College Fair.

With so much choice, students might need helping deciding which booths to visit, so here?s some advice about navigating the fair and finding the institution that fits you:

Using the list, narrow down your search. This way you will not spend your time at the fair rushing between booths. With so many options you are bound to feel overwhelmed, so it is important to narrow down your search and then cast your net a little wider.

There may be things that are important to you when it comes to your future college; things you haven?t given much thought about until now.

Make a list prior to the fair, write down notes about what you like and don?t like about each one and check it off as you go.

What are you looking for and what is really important? After all, many colleges will offer the programmes that most interest you, so you need to find another aspect of that college that?s appealing.

Are you working with a budget?

Determine your tuition range but don?t forget about scholarships if you meet the requirements.

Is the weather a major concern? What about a social life and extra curricular activities like sororities and fraternities and sports life NCAA teams?

As you live in Bermuda, you will also have to consider finding accommodation ? on or off-campus, co-ed or single sex dormitories. Don?t forget to factor this into your budget.

Looking for graduate programmes?

Don?t forget to see if the college of your choice offers wireless networked campuses, computer lab availability, and especially check the academic support services for free or cheap tutorials!

Living in Bermuda also means having to fly to college, unless of course you are attending the Bermuda College.

How close or far are you willing to go? Do you want a one stop direct flight to the US or Canadian east coast so that you and your family can get home fast, or do you wants to go a little further?

Morocco is fabulous, as is Spain or the Caribbean for an unbeatable cultural and academic experience.

Check out some colleges that you might be unfamiliar with, they may be just what you?re looking for.

Remember, don?t just focus on the schools you?ve heard off. Cast your net a little wider; you never know what you may find.

And what if the college you?re interested in is not at the fair? There is a good chance you will find a similar one.

Find out as much as you can about your college by going online. Remember, whatever you decide, you will be there for a few years so make the best possible choice.

By the time you finish your fishing expedition at the fair, you?ll have lots of material. It?s important not to simply put it aside or throw it away.

After about a week, sit with a friend, parent, guidance counsellor, educational consultant, or alone if you prefer and check out all the new information collected.

Get you college check sheet with notes that you took along to the fair and start making some decisions as to what suits you best. Most colleges have websites, check them out and e-mail admissions officers to clarify any questions.

Set aside some time to start applying for the college of your choice. Do not leave it until the last minute!

College fairs and tours are an excellent way to get a feel, or idea of the many options and opportunities various institutions offer its student body. When choosing a college, you are not only looking for a programme, although this is important, but also other opportunities on offer.

Many local high schools take their students on college tours overseas and to the Bermuda College.

To enhance the experience, or if one is unable to participate in a tour or miss the fair, use the Internet.

Most colleges have a website that will let visitors explore the opportunities available. Some have virtual tours, most have the catalogue online, and all have e-mail addresses to the admissions office.