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PLP faces major challenge at next poll: Burrows

The PLP has lost touch with the grassroots and faces a tough challenge at the next election according to retiring elder statesman Reginald Burrows.

In an exclusive interview with Mr. Burrows said his party needed to get to grips with the housing issue.

He said: ?In recent years we have got away from some of the basic policies of the grassroots.

?I am almost positive if Freddie Wade had lived one of the first things he would have got involved in was making sure the Minister of Housing made sure there was enough housing for most of those people who needed affordable housing.

?There?s plenty of houses around but not enough affordable housing.

?That has to be a priority, you can?t have people without proper living accommodation.?

Mr. Burrows predicted frustrated stay-at-home supporters could cost the party vital votes.

And he has some harsh words for recent leaders. He said: ?Jennifer Smith wasn?t much of a people person as Freddie, neither is the present Premier Alex Scott.?

Despite years of loyal service to the PLP Mr. Burrows hopes his party do not cling to power too long as a change will be good for the country.

?I have always been one who after a few years likes to see change, it is not good for any party to be in power too long ? the PLP or the UBP. The most I would like to see any party in power would be probably three terms.

?Even after two terms a party should have been able to accomplish something.?See full interview on page 2