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West End fun day runs to $10,000!

SANDYS Secondary Middle School students ran their hearts out at a special athletic fun day and raised a whopping $10,000 for a new sports complex.

The Sandys Beyond 2000 complex will be used by the entire Sandys community and will include a 25-metre swimming pool, gymnasium/auditorium, juice bar, hi-tech cardiovascular equipment, a volleyball court, a locker room and shower room facilities among other things.

During the recent Big "S" run, family and friends donated $20 for every lap run by the students. A few students were so enthusiastic they ran more than 20 laps each.

"Our top runner from Sandys was Brittany Pitt running 20 laps for Arnold's Supermarket and her dad's business Pitt's Plumbing and we had two primary students, Keunna Dill, who ran 22 laps and Esaiah Lister, who ran 20," said Sandys Middle School physical education teacher Joyann Clarke.

The Sandys Secondary School Foundation is spearheading the construction project. Walter Lister, chairman of the Foundation, said the event was hugely popular.

"Two hundred parents, relatives and friends attended generating over $10,000 in donations," said Mr. Lister. "This is a true community effort from which everyone will benefit. Such generosity will bring about the reality of a sports complex that will provide services and programmes for everyone from children to senior citizens."

Event co-ordinator Walter Roberts thanked parents, students and sponsors and physical education teachers Reginald Tucker, Joyann Clarke.

"Their enthusiasm and organisational skills made this possible," Mr. Roberts said.

School principal Melvin Bassett also thanked 20 local businesses that supported the event. "It's local support like this that truly brings a community together and ensures a brighter future for all," said Mr. Bassett.

"It is intended that the sports, recreational and educational programmes offered by the Sandys Beyond 2000 complex will form a road map the community can use in its effort to create healthy young people and families."