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GMS offers new solar water heaters

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Here comes the sun: General Marine Services owners (from left) Henry Ascento, Carolann Amjath and Abdul Amjath, who are going into the business of selling solar water heaters, like the one pictured below, which absorb solar radiation in tubes and collect the heat. The apparatus is made by the Chinese company Sunstar.

Households in Bermuda will be able to save money on their electricity bill and do their bit for the environment at the same time, thanks to a new range of solar panels and solar water heaters.

The solar energy equipment, which is produced by Chinese company Sunstar, has been launched by General Marine Services (GMS) and can be customised to suit each home.

It is both an affordable price and allows consumers to make savings on their electricity bill, according to GMS's owner Abdul Amjath, who runs the company with his wife Carolann and business partner Henry Rascento.

"We are a green company," he said. "We are planning to go solar and due to the rising fuel costs and the beautiful sunshine we get here in Bermuda all day long, we are planning to use that resource.

"The solar heaters will save people money as well as being eco-friendly, while the solar panels can be used to produce electricity."

The panels, which use the latest solar technology, can be installed on a roof or in the ground and controlled by a computer. Existing water heaters can be used alongside the new solar version, explained Mr. Amjath. But he warned that in some cases planning permission would be needed to implement the larger devices.

"It is already being used in London where the technology works well in cloudy conditions, as well as most of Europe, mainly in Spain and the Mediterranean," he said.

"The technology is very simple and you get the most benefit from it."

With water heaters, which cost $3,800 for one to run a 40-gallon tank, which account for 20 to 30 percent of the average electric bill, according to Mr. Amjath, big savings can be made by employing solar technology.

The solar panels can be used to generate electricity for both houses and boats alike. Extra energy produced by the panels can then be stored in batteries or put back into the main grid, with the consumer getting credited by electricity provider Belco for what they put in, said Mr. Amjath. "With the solar water heaters we provide a complete service," he said. "Once you order, we will come down and look at the place and install and if you have any problems we will be on hand."

The solar panels are easy to use, according to Mr. Amjath. "People have been asking for it for sometime now," he said. "I knew about the solar panels and I was studying about them through the Internet and companies I was dealing with for about six or seven months and once I came up with the concept of it, I thought 'Why can't we promote it in Bermuda where we have got everything we need here?'"

Other applications for the solar water heaters include swimming pool heating during the winter, while the solar panels can be used to run any electrical products from washers and dryers to air conditioning.

"You can change everything, but we suggest that you do it one step at a time," said Mr. Amjath.

The main business of GMS, which is based in St. George's Boatyard and was started at the beginning of June, includes marine services and the sale of marine parts, but with its latest solar products it looks set to branch out into the wider energy efficiency market in the future.

For more information on the products, call 333-1467 or visit GMS's website at www.gms.bm.